Abbath se simte tradat de Horgh si Demonaz

de Cristi Nedelcu

Abbath se simte tradat de Horgh si Demonaz

Abbath a oferit un interviu zilele trecute in care discutia a ajuns, inevitabil, si la Immortal.

Acesta a spus ca a dorit ca Immortal sa continue, insa atat Demonaz cat si Horgh aveau tot timpul alte planuri, si de aceea a fost nevoit sa porneasca acest nou proiect, 'Abbath', mai ales dupa ce nu a putut sa aiba drepturi depline asupra numelui Immortal.

In plus, atat Horgh cat si Demonaz i-ar fi spus lui Abbath ca ar trebui sa mearga la o clinica de dezintoxicare (rehab). Acum, de cand a pus bazele noului proiect, Abbath, chiar daca este un proiect solo, artistul se simte in sfarsit ca si cum ar fi intr-o trupa alaturi de King ov Hell si Creature.

"I feel like I've been fired. It was never my intention to go solo but I really feel like I've been forced into it. Apparently they are going to continue on without me and that's fine - but it was very disappointing that no-one, not even Nuclear Blast, wanted to hear my side of the story.

The other guys wanted to do things solely on their timetable and also claimed that I need to go to rehab, which was just nonsense because I've always delivered, live and in the studio. My plan was to go into the studio last year. If I had my way Immortal would have been on tour right now.

He adds that it was Demonaz and Horgh who weren't pulling their weight in Immortal and not the other way round. He says: "I just think they ended up being in it for the wrong reasons. They weren't showing any passion for what we were doing.

Even though my new band is called Abbath, it finally feels like I'm in a real band – part of a group of musicians who have a great dialogue and share a passion for the music. It didn't feel like that in Immortal for a long time."

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