Abbath si-a anulat turneul din America de Sud dupa un show dezastros in Argentina

de Cristi Nedelcu

Abbath si-a anulat turneul din America de Sud dupa un show dezastros in Argentina

Abbath a sustinut un concert in Buenos Aires unde a cantat doar doua piese iar apoi a parasit scena. La scurt timp a anuntat ca restul turneului din America de Sud va fi anulat din cauza unor probleme de sanatate.

In cadrul concertului din Buenos Aires artistul a incercat sa cante doua piese dar pur si simplu nu a reusit. Acesta a parasit scena si nu a mai revenit.

La scurt timp pe pagina oficiala de facebook a artistului a aparut urmatoarea declaratie:

"It is with heavy heart that we have to announce the cancellation of the remainder of the Abbath South American Outstrider tour. Due to health issues that need to be treated, we are unable to complete the last shows in Argentina and Brazil. We deeply apologize to all of our fans that wanted to come and see us, to the local promoters, and to Matrix Entertainment who has worked tirelessly in order to make this tour happen. We hope we can make it up to all you some day. We are very sorry.


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