Phil Rudd a fost arestat (din nou)

de Cristi Nedelcu

Phil Rudd a fost arestat (din nou)

Doar ce si-a primit pedeapsa - 8 luni de arest la domiciliu, ca fostul tobosar AC/DC a fost arestat din nou.

Acesta a fost ridicat de politie in seara de 18 Iulie. In prima faza nu s-au stiut exact motiviele arestarii tobosarului, avocatul sau declarand urmatoarele: "All I can say is he has been arrested and will be appearing on Monday at 10AM in the Tauranga District Court. That’s all I can say for now and that’s all I am telling everyone who is calling."

Ulterior insa cei de la Otega Daily News au spus ca Rudd ar fi fost prins consumand alcool, acestuia fiindu-i interzis acest lucru pe perioada celor 8 luni de arest la domiciliu, dar si ca in casa sa s-ar fi aflat prostituate.

Iata mai jos ce au scris cei de la Otega Daily News:

"Phil Rudd has been remanded on bail after allegedly being caught consuming and possessing alcohol, a violation of his home detention conditions. The report also stated that prostitutes were present at Rudd’s home at the time of his Saturday night arrest. Rudd was ordered to undergo drug and alcohol testing by police as a condition of his bail. The rocker is expected to reappear in court on Aug. 3 and he was warned by Judge Louis Bidois that any further offenses could result in a change in his home detention sentence."

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