Un DJ a demonstrat ca toate piesele AC/DC se termina la fel

de Cristi Nedelcu

Un DJ a demonstrat ca toate piesele AC/DC se termina la fel

De-a lungul timpului s-au facut cateva glume pe seama celor de la AC/DC ca multe dintre piesele lor suna aproximativ la fel.

Paul Marshall, DJ la KSLX-FM, a luat absolut toate piesele AC/DC la rand si le-a analizat finalul.

Iata ce a declarat DJ-ul pe pagina sa de Facebook: "Yeah…I thought it'd be "funny" to see how many times AC/DC ends their songs in a similar fashion. Oh…it is. But, it took a LONG time to go through. I promise you, *no song was repeated.* These are all the final notes, of almost every AC/DC song ever recorded (very few songs in their history, fade out. They were omitted). They know how to end a song. That's for sure.

Feel free to share, steal, and give to your morning show without crediting me (you know who you are!).

Annnd….power chord!"

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