Accept au lansat albumul 'Too Mean To Die'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Accept au lansat albumul 'Too Mean To Die'

Accept au lansat pe 29 ianuarie cel de-al 16-lea material descografic al trupei prin intermediul casei de discuri Nuclear Blast Recodrs.

Solistul trupei, Mark Tornillo, a declarat urmatoarele:

"After the cruel year 2020 for all of us worldwide, we are happy that we can present our new album to the fans. We are very excited about the reactions. And we're looking forward to hopefully being on stage in front of you again soon and looking into your beaming faces as we rock out together with you. No question: The Best Is Yet To Come."

'Too Mean To Die' a fost inregistrat la Nashville (SUA) si produs de catre producatorul Andy Sneap (Judas Priest, Megadeth).

Materialul contine 11 melodii si este disponibil pe toate platformele de streaming si poate fi comandat in format vinil de pe site-ul

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