All That Remains au lansat clipuri pentru 'Madness' si 'Safe House'

de Andreea Gherfi

All That Remains au lansat clipuri pentru 'Madness' si 'Safe House'

All That Remains pregatesc un nou album de studio, intitulat "Madness", ce urmeaza a fi lansat in data de 28 aprilie. La inceputul lunii februarie, americanii le ofereau fanilor doua piese extrase de pe noul material, "Safe House" si "Madness", piese care acum au si lyric videos!

"People tend to kind of get into kind of ruts in their lives or into patterns, and they keep doing the same thing over and over, even though it doesn't produce the results they're hoping for," he said. "You can see a lot of societal cycles where nations just keep doing the same kind of stuff over, and it doesn't always have great results. But still, it seems like a good idea. So, that's kind of the idea is like human beings, whether you're talking about individuals or large groups, they get into these kinds of cycles of repetitive things that can be really destructive, and so that's kind of what I'm thinking, that's what 'madness' is.", a declarat pentru SiriusXM Phil Labonte, solistul trupei.

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