Amaranthe a lansat clipul pentru 'Strong' alaturi de Noora Louhimo de la Battle Beast

de Cristi Nedelcu

Amaranthe a lansat clipul pentru 'Strong' alaturi de Noora Louhimo de la Battle Beast

Amaranthe a colaborat cu Noora Louhimo de la trupa Battle Beast pentru single-ul "Strong", a doua piesa lansata de pe viitorul album, "Manifest".

"Manifest" va fi disponibil de pe 2 octombrie via Nuclear Blast.

Iata ce a declarat trupa:

"Devil and saint, martyr and sinner, betrayal and loyalty – ‘Strong’ essentially underlines the dualistic nature of what it means to be human. In an increasingly polarised world, we found it incredibly exciting to reach across the metal world, and find collaboration and unity with the phenomenal Noora Louhimo. Even if the world around you is on fire, and if you find yourself at a disadvantage, remember that there is always one part of you that will remain – ‘Strong.'"

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