Amaranthe au lansat un clip pentru 'PvP'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Amaranthe au lansat un clip pentru 'PvP'

Noua melodie a fost lansata luna trecuta si este imnul oficial pentru echipa suedeza la campionatul mondial international de e-sport.

Clipul pentr 'PvP' a fost regizat de Grupa13 din Polonia, care a lucrat anterior la videoclipurile pentru 'Arhanghel' si 'BOOM!1'.

"We are proud to have some of the world's foremost E-sport competitors in Sweden, and to write a song for the Swedish World Cup team has been a ton of fun! Writing uplifting, energetic songs is a trademark Amaranthe feature, and 'PvP' is certainly no exception! Designed from the ground up to be a shot of adrenaline and endorphins in these progressively darker times, we hope that you will enjoy this one-off, and of course, we wish the Swedish World Cup team all the success they rightfully deserve!", a declarat trupa.

Materialul poate fi vazut mai jos.

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