Tobosarul Fredrik Andersson a parasit Amon Amarth

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tobosarul Fredrik Andersson a parasit Amon Amarth

Dupa 17 ani de activitate in cadrul trupei, Frederik Andersson nu mai face parte din lineup-ul Amon Amarth.

Momentan aceasta este singura informatie disponibila. Nu se stiu detalii cu privire la motivul despartirii dintre Andersson si trupa.

Mai jos aveti in totalitate declaratia celor de la Amon Amarth: "Fredrik has been an important part of AMON AMARTH's development since he joined the band in 1998 and we wish him all the best for the future. We are currently in the process of writing the new album, but at the moment there is no replacement for him."

Anuntul a fost facut astazi, 19 Martie, in jurul orei 16:00 pe pagina de Facebook a formatiei.

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