AMORPHIS anunta lansarea unui nou album in 2025

de Cristi Nedelcu

AMORPHIS anunta lansarea unui nou album in 2025

Intr-un nou interviu acordat pentru Revista Tuonela, chitaristul Amorphis Tomi Koivusaari a vorbit despre planurile trupei pentru viitor.

Tomi a declarat: "Now we have like a European tour [in November] and then a] Finnish tour [in December], and on spring we are going to have some South American tour. But at the same time we are starting to check the new ideas, song ideas, so I guess the next album will be out '25 or something. So [we're] already thinking of a producer and working in the studio."

AMORPHIS si-a lansat cel de-al paisprezecelea album de studio, „Halo”, in februarie 2022 prin Atomic Fire Records.

Produs de Jens Bogren, „Halo” a fost descris anterior intr-un comunicat de presa drept "progressive, melodic, and quintessentially melancholic heavy masterwork."

"It really is a great feeling that we can still produce very decent music as a band," a spus chitaristul Esa Holopainen "Perhaps a certain kind of self-criticism and long experience culminate in these latest albums. It is thoroughly recognizable AMORPHIS from beginning to end but the general atmosphere is a little bit heavier and more progressive and also organic compared to its predecessor."

Solistul Tomi Joutsen a adaugat: "To me, 'Halo' sounds a little more stripped down compared to 'Queen Of Time' and 'Under The Red Cloud'. However, don't get me wrong: when a certain song needs to sound big, then it sounds very big."

Asa cum a fost cazul albumelor AMORPHIS in trecut, „Halo” a prezentat povestea imaginativa si poetica a renumitului textier si expert in „Kalevala” Pekka Kainulainen.

Proiectul solo al lui Tomi Koivusaari, BJORKO, isi va lansa albumul de debut, „Heartrot”, in luna decembrie prin Svart Records.

Photo credit: Sam Jamsen

Urmareste interviul sustinut de Tomi, mai jos.

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