Vincent (Anathema) incantat de concertul din Romania

de Morrison

Vincent (Anathema) incantat de concertul din      Romania
Am primit din partea Artmania, organizatorii concertului Anathema unplugged de la Bucuresti, urmatorul comunicat:

Intr-un interviu acordat ARTMANIA, vocalul trupei britanice Anathema, Vincent Cavanagh a vorbit despre concertul unplugged sustinut alaturi de fratele sau Danny si violoncelistul David Wresling la Bucuresti si despre cum s-a simtit in Romania. Potrivit acestuia, concertul din data de 24 mai este unul dintre cele mai reusite din cariera trupei!

Redam interviul integral mai jos:

ARTMANIA: 1. How did you feel about the acoustic gig from Romania?

VINCENT: I LOVED IT. Every second. It was magical. It was such an amazing surprise to find out 7-800 tickets had sold out in just 2 days without any promotion, just through word of mouth. As soon as I heard that news, I knew we we're gonna have a great night. Its such a wonderful feeling to know you have such fantastic support. It erases any pre-gig nerves so you can relax and just live the music. So, walking out to that reception was breathtaking. It was such a pleasure to have David with us too. He's a fantastic guy, a great friend, very funny! Also he is an amazing cello player. So musically the whole thing worked really well. It was one of my favorite performances ever. Really!

ARTMANIA: 2. Which were the best moments from your stay?

VINCENT: Well, hard to say... so many. For a start just meeting the organizers at the airport
and hotel, some of whom have been our friends for 14 years! It was lovely to be among their
company, very relaxed, informal and friendly. Meeting up with old friends after the concert for a drink and some stories was great fun. After that I spent a lot of the time with Dave, going
through the cello parts for the concert, he is always fun to be around. But I have to say my
favorite moment from the weekend was during the concert when we played 5 songs in a row: shroud of false, lost control, destiny, inner silence and one last goodbye. The way those songs flow into each other on the piano is really something. Fragile dreams was really good too, and
I really enjoyed singing the beautiful song 'to build a home' by Patrick Watson/the cinematic
orchestra. That song is very deep to me, it's the soundtrack to the best year of my life so far
and will always be very special for me.

ARTMANIA: 3. How did it feel to meet with your fans again?

VINCENT: Fantastic! For a kick-off I wouldn't use the term 'fans' I never think of things in that way. I'm an honest open person who likes to meet people and have some laughs. This has always been easy in Romania for a number of reasons, I feel. For a start, everybody speaks fantastic English! Which helps. The level of literacy and intelligence is a cut above most countries I've been to. I get the feeling there is no barriers between me and the audience. I love that. To be able to really communicate without any psychological baggage/barriers between us is priceless.

For this reason I will always be looking forward to my next visit to Romania. Its only
been a couple of days and I miss everyone already. Ah well. We'll get this album finished and
come back as soon as we can.

Mai multe puteti citi aici.

Concertul acustic din Capitala oferit de fratii Vincent si Daniel Cavanagh impreuna cu
violoncelistul David Wesling, in data de 24 mai, a fost, probabil, unul dintre cele mai speciale
momente muzicale ale anului. Melodiile incarcate de emotie si sensibilitate ale britanicilor i-au
miscat pana la lacrimi pe cei peste 800 de fani prezenti, creand o atmosfera cu adevarat unica.
Cei de la Anathema au interpretat atat piese mai vechi, binecunoscute publicului din Romania, cat si piese de pe viitorul album, la care lucreaza trupa. De asemenea, cei prezenti au avut ocazia sa asculte, in premiera pentru Romania, cateva dintre piesele incluse pe albumul acustic
Hindsight, care urmeaza sa fie lansat in luna august.

Biletele pentru acest eveniment exceptional prezentat de ARTMANIA s-au epuizat in doar cinci zile de la punerea lor in vanzare, iar cei de la Anathema, impresionati de fanii din Romania, au promis ca vor reveni anul viitor, intr-un concert de promovare a noului lor material discografic.

Va asteptam la ARTMANIA Festival 2008 de la Sibiu.

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