Banii creaza din nou probleme. Acum in tabara Anthrax

de Cristi Nedelcu

Banii creaza din nou probleme. Acum in tabara Anthrax

Fostul solist al celor de la Anthrax, John Bush, a declarat ca de cand a parasit formatia nu a mai primit niciun fel de compensatie financiara ca urmare a contributiei pe care a avut in compunerea pieselor din perioada in care a activat in trupa.

Acesta doreste sa fie platit pentru albumele la care a lucrat si care continua sa se vanda.

Bush a mai spus totusi ca a primit cativa bani de pe urma muncii sale, dar ca inca cei de la Anthrax mai au niste datorii la el. Plus ca vanzarile de albume continua si in prezent.

Iata ce a declarat Bush cu privire la aceasta problema:

"I probably shouldn’t be saying this, but I’m saying it. I’m out there signing Anthrax records I made. I just wanna be paid for the records made and sold. I’m super proud of all the music I made in Anthrax, I just wanna be paid for it. I don’t even get statements. It was a pain in the butt... We’re going through it right now. We’re ironing it out. There’s a new accounting company, and they seem to be on the up and up now... I just haven’t been paid consistently and not updated. It’s all good. We’ll work it out — I hope. It’s been a little frustrating."

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