Versuri ApocaliptiC - Victory

Album: ApocaliptiC - The Prophecy

Prin ceata si prin umbra, mergem la razboi, 
Cu fetele manjite de sange si noroi
Avem un singur tel, avem un singur glas,
Murim pentru credinta, e tot ce ne-a ramas.

Din departari se aude , un corn ca o chemare,
E sunetul ce anunta a noastra eliberare
Codrii seculari din muntii intunecati,
Ne sunt parinti, ne sunt si frati

The battlefield / Is dyed in blood,
Their wounds are deep / One by one they are falling down  
Mutilated corpses / Are covering the land 
But those still alive / Are fighting brave for victory

From the sky / Is raining fire
And tears of blood / A dreadful storm will steal the light
Hollow screams / Of pain and fear 
Are lost in fight / Darkness falls, eternal night.

In fumul gros si-n ceata deasa, mai flutura un steag,
E semnul biruintei noastre, dusmanii se retrag
De pretutindeni se inalta, un cantec de eroi,
Un cant ce va aduce aminte de acest cumplit razboi

                                             Song & Lirycs by Kirk