Architects au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Meteor'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Architects au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Meteor'

Trupa a lansat un clip animat pentru cel mai recent single de pe albumul 'For Those That Wish To Exist' care va fi disponibil pe 26 februarie via Epitaph Records.

"This album was me looking at our inability to change to a way of life that would sustain the human race and save the planet. I wanted to look in the mirror and ask ourselves the question of what are we going to do, as opposed to trying to point the finger at politicians. Change has to start on a personal level. The world has developed a culture of wanting someone else to deal with it when we need to take our own responsibility. It has to start there.", a declarat Dan Searle despre noul album.

Clipul animat pentru 'Meteor' a fost regizat de Jeb Hardwick si se bazeaza pe povestea spusa de catre Dan Searle si Jeb Hardwick.

Materialul poate fi vazut mai jos.

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