Tim Lambesis a suferit un grav accident

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tim Lambesis a suferit un grav accident

Solistul trupei As I Lay Dying a postat pe contul sau de Instagram o fotografie cu el intr-un pat de spital declarand ca in timp ce incerca sa fac un foc, acesta a varsat din greaseala gaz pe el.

In prezent, Tim Lambesis se recupereaza intr-un spital din California de Sud unde va fi operat.

"I apologize to my friends that I have not had the time to fill in yet on what happened. The entire gas cap fell off when trying to use a little from the trickle tip to get a bonfire started. Gas got all over my clothes and I ended up burning 25% of my body.

I’ve been in the hospital since Saturday night, and I will be here for a couple more weeks most likely. Today’s surgery is to remove the remaining dead skin that we were unable to scrub off during dressing changes this week. It will be for the best so that we won’t have to scrub so hard during dressing changes, and that is a big relief for me. I am extremely thankful for the Burns center workers who are taking care of me.

I will try to update on my recovery. It will be a long road, but I will get back to full strength eventually.", a declarat acesta.

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