Tim Lambesis de la As I Lay Dying vrea sa dea guvernul in judecata pentru ca au inceput sa-i creasca sanii

de Andreea Gherfi

Tim Lambesis de la As I Lay Dying vrea sa dea guvernul in judecata pentru ca au inceput sa-i creasca sanii

Povestea lui Tim Lambesis, solistul formatiei As I Lay Dying, este una destul de cunoscuta, acesta a fost arestat in 2013 dupa ce a incercat sa-si ucida sotia cu ajutorul unui asasin platit. In momentul de fata Lambesis se afla in puscarie si are de executat o pedeapsa de 6 ani.

Nemultumirea lui Tim Lambesis porneste de la faptul ca inainte sa ajunga dupa gratii acesta consuma steroizi, anabolizanti ale caror efecte secundare rezulta deseori in dezvoltarea excesiva a sanilor la barbati, afectiune cunoscuta sub denumirea de "ginecomastie". Lambesis este nemultumit ca guvernul nu i-a permis sa primeasca in inchisoare medicamentul ce ajuta la prevenirea acestei dereglari hormonale si vrea sa obtina in instanta 35 de milioane de dolari de pe urma acestei neglijente.

Declaratia lui Tim Lambesis este urmatoarea:

"On or about June 10, 2014, my very fears evinced themselves upon my physique in the first palpable formings of, painfully sensitive, breast enlargement. Panic striken — at these initial signs of gynecomastia, I began to physically shake uncontrollably; shivering with battling anxiety and depression. Such chronic anxiety caused me to compulsively rub and scratch myself excessively and upon unusual places of my person.

On or about July 10, 2014, I noticed my breasts ceased enlargening; having attained gynecomastic maturation, that is, fully formed male mammaries, respectively. The terror I felt at this moment of confirmed maturation has left me traumatized indefinitely. Without further recourse, knowing the situation hopeless; I could not help but test the painful sensitivity of my fully formed breasts with hardened hurtful nipples, I examined my body compulsively, frantically.

On July 11, 2014, I enjoyed visitation with GBDF Doctor John Serra. Serra was the professional to my patient. Serra expressly appreciated my gynecomastic constitution; noted, and treated, the rectal tag I had developed, expedited my (anastrozole) prescription, and ordered my medication be administered effective immediately.

On July 17, 2014, I finally began receiving daily dosages of anastrozole.

By the time I enjoyed my right to adequate medical care — while incarcerated — the damage was done. I now suffer the adverse adornment of fully formed breasts, respectively, upon my physique — that is, a permanent gynecomastic consitution. To date, the pain and ultra-sensitivity associated with my, now, male mammaries remains. Worst of, all is the anxiety and depression I experience just knowing, feeling, seeing, the protuberances that are my male breasts.

As I am a stage performer by profession, much of my act is based upon the visual stimulus of audience perception — i.e., as a front man of leading rockstardom, my continued success is contingent upon my projecting a favorable physical image, Now, with the advent of these unsightly breasts, my music career shall undoubtedly suffer monetarily.

Therefore I demand compensatory relief: recompense the medical cost of the surgeries necessitated to redress my breasts to normal, masculine comforts; recompense the projected costs of psychotherapy thus in treating the mental trauma — e.g., extreme anxiety, severe depression, mental anguish, emotional distress — I continue to endure proximate the, respective, gross negligence and deliberate indifference to my serious medical needs that VDF Nurse Mary Abiaro, GBDF 'Doctor' Pace have afforded me; recompense the loss of revenue concerning my career as a stage performer — i.e., the adverse affects, monetary losses, that my unsightly breasts have had upon my illustrious, tremendously marketable and exceedingly profitable, image of commanding physicality. Even my songwriting has been adversely affected as my guitar brushes against my sensitive breasts thus disrupting my very concentration ceasing valuable production."

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