August Burns Red au facut un cover pentru piesa 'Chop Suey!'

de Cristi Nedelcu

August Burns Red au facut un cover pentru piesa 'Chop Suey!'

Trupa a realizat un cover pentru piesa lansata in anul 2000 a celor de la System Of A Down.

"After years of playing 'Chop Suey!' over the PA system right before we took the stage at our shows, we decided to take a crack at the song ourselves. This is truly one of the most legendary rock/metal songs of all time and it was so much fun to cover. I'm especially proud of our singer Jake and our bassist Dustin. We haven't done much clean singing in our music and this song showcases our vocalists in a whole new way.", a declarat chitaristul trupei, JB Brubaker.

Noul cover pentru 'Chop Suey!' poate fi ascultat mai jos.

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