Avatar au lansat clipul pentru 'Colossus'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Avatar au lansat clipul pentru 'Colossus'

Trupa a lansat videoclipul oficial al celui mai recent single al lor, "Colossus".

Piesa este inclusa pe albumul "Hunter Gatherer", ce va fi lansat pe 7 august viaEntertainment One (eOne).
"There is no joking around with this, and it pulls us back into reality. It deals more with darkness, sadness, detachment, alienation and the anxiety of thinking of the world at large. It's all these things that don't necessarily fit into the 'let's write this love letter to heavy metal and share our inside joke that we call Jonas The King.'",a declarat solistul, Johannes Eckerstrom.
Noul material poate fi urmarit mai jos.

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