Beheaded au lansat piesa 'The Horror Breathes'

de Andreea Gherfi

Beheaded au lansat piesa 'The Horror Breathes'

Piesa "The Horror Breathes" este extrasa de pe cel de-al cincilea album de studio al formatiei Beheaded, "Beast Incarnate", ce urmeaza a fi lansat pe data de 27 ianuarie.

“The driving force behind Beast Incarnate was to create a milestone for Mediterranean death metal by cementing and defining the essence of BEHEADED‘s signature sound drawing inspiration from the different facets of the band’s twenty-five years of existence and pushing boundaries to take it to new extremes. Beast Incarnate can be considered the pinnacle of the band’s history, echoing the eerie old school melodies and blasphemous poetry of the 1998 album Perpetual Mockery infused with technical elements of the 2005 Ominous Bloodline making this album an indisputable successor to Never To Dawn. The Horror breathes and The Beast is among us.”, au declarat membrii formatiei.

"Beast Incarnate" tracklist:

Beast Incarnate

The Horror Breathes

Crossing The House Of Knives

Reign Of The headless King

The Black Death

Cursed Mediterranean

Fid-dlam ta’ dejjem

Punishment Of The Grave

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