Behemoth vor sustine un concert online de Halloween

de Cristi Nedelcu

Behemoth vor sustine un concert online de Halloween

Behemoth vor sarbatori cea de-a 30-a aniversare cu un concert online special de Halloween numit 'XXX Years Ov Blasphemy'.

Evenimentul va contine trei seturi in trei locatii alese de catre trupa.

"30 years of blasphemy and bring on 30 more! What better night than All Saint's Eve to celebrate this most unholy Anniversary than with us, as we present the most ambitious project of our career to date, 'XXX Years Ov Blasphemy'. Legions, when I say this is the ultimate cinematic Behemoth experience, I cannot express how much I mean that. Another huge risk for us, but as always, we go feet first and push our limits. The result will be a sight to behold. We'll see you in The Forest...and more!", a declarat liderul trupei, Nergal.

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