Nergal a divulgat cateva dintre secretele vietii sale

de Andreea Gherfi

Nergal a divulgat cateva dintre secretele vietii sale

Intr-un interviu acordat revistei Metal Hammer, Nergal, controversatul solist al formatiei Behemoth, a declarat ca natura umana, in esenta ei, are si o parte intunecata, iar el a ales sa-si evidentieze aceasta latura cu ajutorul muzicii. La capitolul religie, Nergal este fericit ca a reusit sa supere foarte multi fanatici religiosi cu albumul "The Satanist", iar pasiunea pe care o investeste in muzica este la fel de intensa ca cea pentru afacerile pe care le detine.

In acelasi interviu, Nergal a marturisit ca i-a placut sa participe la "The Voice Of Poland" si ca, la sfarsitul zilei, este un romantic incurabil caruia ii place sa-i fredoneze la telefon prietenei sale celebrul refren al piesei "I Just Called To Say I Love You"

"I always look for darkness in music. We all have our dark side – that’s human nature. There’s no light without shadows. That’s why I perform extreme music and dark arts. Music is the perfect platform to get my own darkness out."

“I really hoped we'd p**s off many people with The Satanist. And we're pretty good at doing that. Just watch and wait for our Polish tour and see how many shows are going to be boycotted by these idiots."

"I call the underground metal scene my ‘cave’ – I feel safe here. But there’s nothing wrong with going to different places in life, to explore them for fun or joy, or just to get some wisdom about other human beings or even yourself. That’s why I did The Voice Of Poland. I wanted to step out of my cave into the mainstream world, and deal with the people there as an equal and not an underdog. I wasn’t pretending to be someone else – I’m just being myself. Did I enjoy being followed down the street by the paparazzi? Yeah, I did. I guess I have this performer spirit."

Intregul interviu poate fi citit aici: Metal Hammer - Behemoth: Nergal's Guide To Life

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