Nergal a vorbit despre viitorul album Behemoth

de Cristi Nedelcu

Nergal a vorbit despre viitorul album Behemoth

Nergal, solistul Behemoth a vorbit cu cei de la Metal Hammer despre viitorul material discografic al formatiei.

Au trecut 4 ani de cand a fost lansat 'The Satanist', unul dintre cele mai bune albume de metal extrem lansate secolul acesta.

Intre timp Nergal s-a concentrat pe proiectul sau 'Me and That Man', lucru care ulterior l-a ajutat sa se intoarca cu forte proaspete pentru un nou material Behemoth.

Probabil noul album va fi lansat anul acesta avand in vedere ca formatia a intrat deja in studio. Iata cateva din declaratiile lui Nergal.

"I am super-excited about the lyrics for the new record and it seems like I'll be writing most of it. I'm very inspired.

When I was done with 'The Satanist', I was pretty much done with any musics. I was, like, 'I don't know if there's any more extreme metal music in me.' So I had to level out my energy with ME AND THAT MAN, and surprisingly, once I went back to the 'black metal cave' after that, I was more creative than ever. I couldn't stop making songs! Usually, I'm super-burnt-out, but at this stage, not only am I still full of ideas, I feel like I'm on drugs! I feel pumped. I'm hungry."

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