Solistul Benediction va parasi formatia

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solistul Benediction va parasi formatia

Dave Hunt, solistul Benediction de peste doua decenii va parasi formatia din Marea Britanie dupa ultima serie de concerte din luna Iulie.

Faptul ca acesta canta si cu Anaal Nathrakh si ca lucreaza si la un doctorat au facut imposibila colaborarea cu trupa de death metal. Benediction a gasit deja un inlocuitor pentru Dave, insa identitatea lui va fi facuta publica cel mai sigur dupa ce Hunt va termina seria de concerte.

Iata ce a declarat formatia:

"Dave's schedule has become increasingly congested with his commitments to both Benediction and Anaal Nathrakh as well as his relentless studies for his PhD. Therefore Dave will vacate the role in Benediction he has commanded with such strength for over 20 years... Benediction have begun working with his replacement and have already completed the writing for a number of vocal tracks for the new album. But his identity will remain private for the time being. Dave will still complete the shows booked between now and July, and we would like to make it clear that all shows currently booked will happen, both before and after the changeover. A further announcement regarding the identity of the new singer will be made nearer to July. Benediction would like to take this opportunity to thank Dave for his superb performance and his loyal service over his time with the band and wish him every success in the future and will remain close friends with him long into the future. Much respect and many thanks mate."

La randul sau Dave a spus: "With the writing for the new Benediction album almost complete, it sadly became clear that it would be impossible for me to give Benediction the full commitment it so richly deserves, for the album, the release and the inevitable shows and other events around it in the future. To me, Benediction is more than a band, more than a bunch of brothers I never had, more than one of the most important things in my life for half the time I've been on the planet. It is an institution. And I genuinely believe it's in an incredibly strong place, especially with the new material. There are great things ahead for Benediction, and although I'm gutted I can't be part of them, the guys have my total respect, affection and support."

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