Interviu cu Between Colors - finalisti la sectiunea Newcomer

de Cristi Nedelcu

Interviu cu Between Colors - finalisti la sectiunea Newcomer

O noua trupa ne raspunde la intrebari! Between Colors sunt si ei finalisti la sectiune Newcomer in cadrul Metalhead Awards.

1.Salutari din partea Metalhead! Cand a inceput votarea, va asteptati sa ajungeti in ultimele 5 trupe la sectiunea Newcomer?

Cristina (Voce): Da, sincer, ne-am asteptat sa ajungem in top 5, desi ne pare rau ca prietenii nostri talentati de la Bloodway nu sunt cu noi aici. Obiectiv-privind, avem tot ce le trebuie unor newcomeri ca sa poata fi luati in considerare pentru acest concurs - concerte la activ pe scenele mari, videoclip oficial, piese lansate si un album in lucru.

Dan (Chitara): Eu, totusi, mereu am sperat, dar nici acum nu-mi vine sa cred - e o surpriza extrem de placuta!

Rach (Bas): Da, am fost increzatoare ca vom intra in top 5, avand in vedere materialele scoase de noi, dar si show-ul pe care il facem live.

Mihai (Tobe): Cine sunt Between Colors si cum au ajuns in top?!

2.Cum a aparut Between Colors?

Dan: Initial, am inceput ca un proiect acustic, apoi a tranzitionat intr-o trupa de symphonic metal. Eu am pornit trupa, ocupandu-ma de muzica, versuri, concept, vizual si am reusit sa strang o formula la sfarsitul lui 2012. Acum doi ani, acea formula s-a... cum sa zic, au avut alte prioritati, si am reusit sa dau peste oamenii care imi sunt alaturi si acum, si la bine si la greu. Pe Mihai initial l-am confundat cu un copac atunci cand m-am intalnit cu el inainte de auditii - e foarte inalt, ca sa intelegeti. Si cret.

Mihai: A fost foarte ciudat sa intru intr-o trupa ca tobosar, eu cantand la chitara de ani buni, dar avand in vedere ca Dan m-a confundat cu un copac si eu nu aveam ce cauta intr-o trupa pe-atunci, luand in considerare experienta pe care (nu) o aveam la tobe, nu am putut sa refuz si am crescut impreuna.

Rach: Eu am venit cu un bass cu trei corzi la auditii. M-a intrigat postarea de pe RGC facuta de Dan spunand ca era in cautare de membri (era prezentata foarte profi, erau si demo-uri), iar la o saptamana distanta, plecand catre o filmare, am avut marele noroc sa dau peste Cristina - singura persoana cu care m-am inteles extraordinar din primele minute si de care m-am rugat si am insistat sa vina la auditiile noastre pentru solista.

Cristina: Auditiile erau la o zi distanta. Eu venisem la filmare sa fac asistenta de regie si numai asta n-am facut. M-am atasat instant de Rach si desi timpul era scurt, am zis ca invat intr-o singura zi piesele si ma prezint. Initial, eu credeam ca intru in trupa pentru a-i ajuta cu doua concerte, deja planificate. In schimb, dupa auditie si dupa faimosul "te sunam noi" am primit un telefon de la Dan (da, chiar a sunat) in care mi-a comunicat ca am intrat in trupa, forever, contract sealed in blood si n-am mai avut ce sa comentez deoarece am citit Faust si stiu la ce sa ma astept.

Dan: Dap, nimeni nu mai iese viu din trupa asta.

Cristina: Culmea, nu ma asteptam sa devenim o familie intr-un timp atat de scurt, ma bucur ca am fost la auditii si au mare noroc baietii astia cu mine! #fitzedesolista

Dan: E chiar haios cand stam si ne gandim cum ne-am nimerit asa, toti patru, cumva la intamplare - un singur mic detaliu, un "accident fericit" daca se schimba si nu eram trupa care suntem acum. Si totusi iata-ne aici, dupa o schimbare radicala de stil in top la Metalhead!

3. Mai aveti si alte proiecte muzicale? Sau Between Colors va ocupa tot timpul?

Cristina: Nu ne lasa Dan sa avem alte trupe. Am primit oferte, dar cumva oamenii care ni le-au trimis au disparut subit. Serios acum, suntem atat de ocupati si pe o panta ascendenta cu trupa incat sa activez intr-un alt proiect - ar insemna sa nu dau randament 100%.

Dan: Eu, intr-o dovada sclipitoare de ipocrizie, eram in alta trupa (The Eyes Have It) atunci cand am format Between Colors, dar, intre timp, probabil din cauza karmei, am ajuns sa-mi focusez toata atentia asupra acestei trupe. Si a meritat, a fost decizia buna, nu regret nicio clipa! YOLO! Ii iubesc pe baietii astia (chiar si pe Mihai) si e minunat cum tragem toti si muncim catre un scop comun. Proiectul meu solo part-time a devenit familia mea full-time si nu pot descrie in cuvinte acest sentiment.

4.In afara scenei cu ce va ocupati?

Dan: Khryss e la regie, v-am zis?

Cristina: Haha, Dan. Eu fac regie cinematografica si teatru, lucru care a facut posibila si filmarea videoclipului in circumstante profesionale si calitative avand in vedere bugetul sublim, dar care lipsea cu desavarsire.

Mihai: Chiar daca sunt tobosar in trupa, ofer lectii de chitara copiilor din scolile gimnaziale si cant la chitara cu orice prilej.

Dan: Dap, Mihai chiar a cantat la chitara cu noi pe scena, in Underworld, in timpul momentului acustic. Mi-a luat din lumina scenei. Nu se va mai repeta.

Rach: Lucrez ca si tehnician analist in cadrul industriei jocurilor video, studiez graphic design si ma ocup cu promovarea trupei.

Dan: Rach a facut design-ul noului (a.k.a. actualului) nostru logo, actually. Eu incerc sa invat cat mai multe despre productia muzicala si mai ajut si alte trupe cu mixaje si inregistrari.

5. Din punct de vedere muzical, ce artisti v-au influentat?

Dan: In general, pe partea de instrumental, ar fi trupe ca Evergrey, Sonic Syndicate, Korn, Nightwish, Dream Theater, Lacuna Coil, In Flames sau Killswitch Engage. Variaza in functie de piesa, unele sunt mai moderne, altele mai agresive, altele mai melodice. Pe durata set-ului nostru, putem trece de la Pink Floyd la Born of Osiris. Mare parte a influentelor vin din partea mea, fiindca ma ocup de compozitie, dar fiecare isi aduce aportul pe instrumentul sau.

Rach: Influentele mele provin din partea urmatoarelor trupe: Korn, Sybreed, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Neurotech, Moonspell, Pantera, Scar the Martyr, Shade Empire si Meshuggah.

Mihai: Dan, toata ziua si toata noaptea. Dar cand vine vorba de muzica, Nightwish, Pantera si Mike Terrana.

Cristina: Tool, System of Down, Pink Floyd, Guano Apes, In This Moment, Nightwish, Led Zeppelin, Lacuna Coil, Korn, After Forever si inegalabila Nina Simone. Si aici ma refer la influente stilistice si vocale, ca asa trupe preferate mai am o gramada.

Dan: Nu vreti sa vedeti cele trei pagini ale listei.

6. Ce planuri de viitor aveti?

Dan: Imediat inainte sa ne apucam de a raspunde interviului, am definitivat tracklist-ul primului nostru album si am inceput pre-productia. Va urma un turneu, noi videoclipuri si multa distractie!

Cristina: Vrem cat mai multe concerte mari, vrem sa ajungem la cat mai multa lume, sa ne afirmam, cat mai multe piese bune, originale si challenging. Si la cat mai multe videoclipuri regizate de mine, bineinteles! #harfederegizor

7. De ce ar trebui sa fiti voi cei votati la Metalhead Awards?

Cristina: Din aceleasi motive pentru care am si ajuns in top - pentru ca suntem o trupa de newcomers get-beget - tineri, care isi doresc cat mai mult si pentru ca muncim pentru fiecare ascultator nou cucerit.

Rach: Pentru ca muzica este totul pentru noi si noi ca fiinte nu am putea exista fara ea.

Cristina: True.

Rach: Avem tot ce ne trebuie pentru a castiga.

8. Dintre cele 4 contracandidate pentru Best Romanian Metal Newcomer, pentru care ati vota?

Dan: Fiecare trupa merita sa fie votata, din motive diferite. E chiar divers topul si important este sa realizam ca suntem TOTI o scena. Cel putin, asa vedem noi lucrurile.

9. Ultimele cuvinte va apartin.

Mihai: Waaaaa, a venit momentul meu! Tum-tum-taff! Ba-dum-tss!

Rach: Multumim echipei Metalhead pentru atentie si fanilor pentru sustinere!

Cristina: Eu, una, sunt extrem de entuziasmata legat de piesele noi pe care urmeaza sa le inregistram si sunt extrem de mandra ca am ajuns in top cu trupa. Le multumesc tuturor oamenilor care ne asculta cu patos si fiti pregatiti pentru niste surprize serioase!

Dan: Mie nu-mi vine sa cred cat de bine merg lucrurile si asta datorita voua, celor care ne ascultati, care ne votati si care sustineti scena. Tot ce imi doresc este sa ramanem frati in continuare si abia asteptam sa va aratam ce pregatim! Ne vedem la concerte!

Nu uitati, la Metalhead Awards, sectiunea metal, pe 30 ianuarie ii avem invitati pe Primordial la Arenele Romane. Biletele sunt disponibile online pe



1. Greetings from Metalhead! When the voting started, were you expecting to be among the top 5 bands of the Newcomer section?

Cristina (Vocals): Yes, honestly, we thought we'd get into the top 5, although we're sorry that our talented friends from the band Bloodway are not here with us. Objectively-speaking, we've got everything a newcomer act needs to be considered for this contest - gigs on the big stages, official video, released songs and an album on the way.

Dan (Guitar): I'd always hoped, but I still can't believe it - it's an extremely pleasant surprise!

Rach (Bass): Yes, I was always confident that we'd get into the top 5, considering the material we've put out and the show we do live.

Mihai (Drums): Who are Between Colors and how'd we get in the top?!

2. How did Between Colors form?

Dan: Initially, I'd started the band as an acoustic project, then transitioned in a symphonic metal band. I formed the band, taking care of the music, lyrics, concept, visuals and managed to get a line-up by the end of 2012. Two years ago, that line-up... well, how shall I put this, they had other priorities and I managed to stumble upon these people who are still with me, for better or worse. I initially mistook Mihai for a tree when I met with him for auditions - he's very tall, you see. And curly.

Mihai: It was very strange to get into the band as a drummer, for I'd been playing the guitar for a good amount of years, but since Dan mistook me for a tree and I had no place being a band then, taking into account the experience I had (not) on the drums, I couldn't say no and we grew together.

Rach: I came in with a three-stringed bass at the auditions. Dan's post on the RGC forums saying that he was looking for band members intrigued me (it was presented as a very professional thing, there were demos too) and, a week after that, leaving for a filming, I was very fortunate to meet Cristina - the only person I got along with from the first moments and whom I asked and insisted she come to our auditions for lead singer.

Cristina: The auditions were a day away. I came to the filming as assistand director and did everything but that. I got attached to Rach and, although time was short, I decided to learn the songs in a single day and come to the auditions. Initially, I thought I was coming into the band to help them out with two already planned concerts. However, after the audition and the famous "We'll call you," I got a call from Dan (yes, he actually called) and he told me that I was in the band, forever, contract sealed in blood and I had no criticism because I'd read Faust and knew what to expect.

Dan: Yep, nobody's getting out alive from this band.

Cristina: The strange thing is that I didn't expect us to become a family in such a short time and I'm happy I went to the auditions and these guys are very lucky to have me! #justleadsingerthings

Dan: It's very funny to us when we sit and think about it - how it all just happened that, all four of us, seemingly at random happened to come upon one another, if one single small detail, one "happy accident" changed and we wouldn't be the band we are now. And still, here we are, after a radical shift in style in the top for Metalhead!

3. Do you have other musical projects? Or does Between Colors take up all your time.

Cristina: Dan won't let us have other bands. We got offers, but somehow the people who sent them in dissapeared suddenly. Seriously now, we're so busy and on an upward climb with the band that working in another project would mean that I couldn't perform and give my 100%.

Dan: I, in a stunning display of hypocrisy, was in another band (The Eyes Have It) when I formed Between Colors but, in the meantime, maybe because of karma, started to focus all my attention on this band. And it's worth it, it was a good call, I don't regret any second! YOLO! I love these guys (even Mihai) and it's amazing how we all work together towards a common goal. My part-time solo project became my full-time family and I can't put into words this feeling.

4. Outside the stage what do you do?

Dan: Khryss is studying directing, did I mention that?

Cristina: Haha, Dan. I also do film and theatre directing, which also made possible the filming of the video in professional and quality conditions considering the sublime, but non-existant buget.

Mihai: Even though I'm the drummer in the band, I teach guitar to middle school kids and I also play guitar with every chance I get.

Dan: Yup, Mihai even played guitar with us on stage, in the Underworld Club, during our acoustic moment. He took some of my limelight. It won't happen again.

Rach: I work as a techincal analyst in the video games industry, I study graphic design and I handle promo for the band.

Dan: Rach actually designed our new (a.k.a. current) logo. I try to learn as much as possible about music production and I also help out other bands with mixing and recording.

5. Musically-speaking, what artists influenced you?

Dan: Generally, on the instrumental side, it would be bands like Evergrey, Sonic Syndicate, Korn, Nightwish, Dream Theater, Lacuna Coil, In Flames or Killswitch Engage. It depends on the songs, some can be more modern, others more aggressive, others more melodic. Over our entire set, we can go from Pink Floyd to Born of Osiris. A huge part of our influences comes from me, because I handle the composition, but everyone comes in with their part on their instrument.

Rach: My influences come from the following bands: Korn, Sybreed, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Neurotech, Moonspell, Pantera, Scar the Martyr, Shade Empire and Meshuggah.

Mihai: Dan, every day and every night. But when it comes to music, Nightwish, Pantera and Mike Terrana.

Cristina: Tool, System of Down, Pink Floyd, Guano Apes, In This Moment, Nightwish, Led Zeppelin, Lacuna Coil, Korn, After Forever and the peerless Nina Simone. And here I mean stylistic and vocal influences because there are a lot more favourite bands.

Dan: You don't want to see the whole three pages of the list.

6. What plans do you have for the future?

Dan: Right before we got to answering the interview, we finished the tracklist of our first album and we've started pre-production. A tour, new videos and boatloads of fun are in store!

Cristina: We want a lot more big concerts, we want to reach as many people as possible, to make ourselves know, to make a lot more good, original and challenging songs. And a lot more videos directed by me, of course! #justdirectorthings

7. Why should you be the ones voted in the Metalhead Awards?

Cristina: For the same reasons we got in the top 5 - because we are a true newcomer band - young, hungry and because we work for every new listener we gain.

Rach: Because music is everything to us and we, as beings, cannot exist without it.

Cristina: True.

Rach: We've got everything we need to win.

8. From the other 4 candidates for Best Romanian Metal Newcomer, who would you vote for?

Dan: Every band deserves to be voted, for different reasons. The top is very diverse and the important thing to realize is that WE ARE ALL a scene. That's how we see things, at least.

9. The last words are yours.

Mihai: Waaaaa, my time has come! Tum-tum-taff! Ba-dum-tss!

Rach: We want to thank the Metalhead team for the attention and our fans for the support!

Cristina: I, for one, am very excited about the new songs we're about to record and extremely proud that we made it in the top 5 with our band. I want to thank everyone who passionately listens to us and get ready for some serious surprizes!

Dan: I can't believe how well everything is going and this is only because of you, those who listen to our music, who vote for us and who support the scene. All I want is for us to remain brothers and I can't wait to show you what we're preparing! See you at our next concerts!

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