Black Sabbath
Stiluri: Heavy
Biografie Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath, trupa britanica de heavy metal, a fost infiintata in anul 1969 in Birmingham. Line-up-ul original constand in Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, Bill Ward, pe vremea aceea colegi de scoala, este si cel prezent, in ciuda numeroaselor modificari survenite in componenta trupei de-a lungul anilor. Trupa a luat initial fiinta sub numele de Polka Tulk Blues Company (curand prescurtat in "Polka Tulk" si schimbat apoi in "Earth"). Numele Black sabbath, asupra caruia s-au hotarat intr-un final, vine dintr-o piesa compusa de basistul Geezer Butler, fanul autorului de carti oculte Dennis Wheatley. In 1970 apare primul album, intitulat "Black Sabbath", urmat la numai un an de "Paranoid". Trupa abordeaza teme ca moartea, distrugerea, apocalipsa. Blues-rock-ul unor trupe din anii '60 cum ar fi Cream, Blue Cheer, Vanilla Fudge, este personalizat de catre Black sabbath cu partile de bass mult mai accentuate, tempo-ul incetinit, presarand piesele cu multe solo-uri de......Toata biografia Black Sabbath
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Stiri cu Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath au lansat un single din perioada Ronnie James Dio
Fostul baterist Black Sabbath, Geezer Butler, a dezvaluit detalii despre melodia lansata recent din periada lui Ronnie James Dio, 'Slapback'. 'Slapback' a fost postata pe YouTube de catre fiul regretatului Geoff Nicholls. "The track came from the "Heaven and Hell" sessions era of the band at a...
Black Sabbath au lansat o versiune rara a melodiei 'Die Young'
Black Sabbath au oferit fanilor o versiune rara, live a melodiei 'Die Young' cu ocazia relansararii albumului din 1981, 'Mob Rules' intr-un format mai extins. 'Mob Rules' este cel de-al 10-lea material discografic al trupei si marcheaza al 2-lea album de studio alaturi de Ronnie James Dio si primul cu...
Bill Ward, tobosarul Black Sabbath, a scris un poem inspirat de pandemia prin care trecem
Bill Wards, tobosarul Black Sabbath, a scris un poem intitlulat 'Arrival Points'. Il puteti citi mai jos in intregime: Arrival Points "Thankful to be placed back into day Out of a night, containing uncertainty about most things, Drinking water, my thirst diminishes from its anxious...
Tony Iommi organizeaza o licitatie pentru a ajuta personalul medical
Tony Iommi va scoate la licitatie o serie de obiecte pentru a ajuta personalul medical ce se lupta cu pandemia COVID-19. Iata ce a declarat chitaristul Black Sabbath: "We were about to announce a charity 'evening with Tony Iommi' to raise some money for the Birmingham hospitals, when this awful...
Black Sabbath vor primi un Grammy pentru intreaga activitate
Mai multi artisti vor primi premiul Grammy pentru intreaga activitate. Ceremonia va avea loc anul viitor, pe 11 Mai in Los Angeles. Printre artistii alesi pentru aceasta distinctie se numara si Black Sabbath. Ceilalti muzicieni care vor primi si ei un Grammy pentru intreaga activitate sunt Clinton &...
Videoclipuri Black Sabbath
Top Versuri Black Sabbath
Iron Man
Iron Man
Over And Over
03. Planet Caravan
04. Megalomania
08. Spiral Architect
I Won't Cry For You
02. After All (The Dead)
War Pigs
04. When Death Calls
03. Fluff [Instrumental]
Sweet Leaf
Children Of The Grave
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
06. Dying for Love
04. Heaven and Hell
St. Vitus' Dance
Selling My Soul
01. Hole in the Sky
08. Break Out
06. Die Young
07. Solitude
08. Too Late
07. Black Moon
02. Cross of Thorns
The Wizard
08. Lonely Is the Word
08. Feels Good to Me
07. Sins of the Father
Wheels Of Confusion / The Straightener
02. Johnny Blade
Wasp/ Behind the Wall of Sleep/ Bassically/ N.I.B.
10. Buried Alive
08. The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
04. Gypsy
06. Time Machine
03. Psychophobia
04. Letters From Earth
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Black Sabbath
- Iron Man Tab
- Paranoid Chords
- War Pigs Tab
- Nightmare Intro Tab
- Paranoid (album) Tab
- Black Sabbath Tab
- Born Again Tab
- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (album) Tab
- Black Sabbath (album) Tab
- Warning Tab
- Heaven And Hell Tab
- Iron Man Intro Tab
- Nib Chords
- Master Of Reality (album) Tab
- Changes (ver2) Tab
- War Pigs (ver2) Tab
- Black Sabbath Live Intro Tab
- Children Of The Sea Tab
- Supernaut Tab
- War Pigs (ver7) Tab
- Under The Sun (ver3) Tab
- Sabotage (album) Tab
- Wicked World Tab
- The Wizard Tab
- Anno Mundi Tab
- Country Girl Tab
- Symptom Of The Universe Tab
- Children Of The Grave Bass Tab
- Under The Sun Tab
- Paranoid Tab
- Zero The Hero Bass Tab
- Zero The Hero Tab
- Children Of The Grave (ver2) Tab
- Cornucopia Tab
- Changes Chords
- Iron Man Tabs
- Spiral Architect Bass Tab
- Electric Funeral Bass Tab
- Solitude Tab
- The Wizard Bass Tab
- Turn Up The Night Tab
- Back Street Kids Bass Tab
- Iron Man (ver19) Tab
- War Pigs Bass Tab
- Children Of The Sea Bass Tab
- Dirty Women Tab
- Die Young Tab
- Shes Gone Tab
- Children Of The Sea (ver2) Tab
- Nib Bass Tab