Blind Guardian: Dintre zeii Power Metal

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Blind Guardian: Dintre zeii Power Metal

Citizen Journalism: Blind Guardian este cu siguranta una dintre cele mai importante formatii de power metal. Articolul se adreseaza in deosebi celor care nu sunt familiarizati cu acest nume.

Formatia este infiintata in anul 1986 Germania, (Krefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia) sub numele de Lucifer's Heritage. Membrii fondatori sunt Hansi Kursch (vocals, bass) si Andre Olbrich (guitar). Alaturi de Stratovarius si Helloween, Blind Guardian este una dintre formatiile cheie in dezvoltarea si evolutia power metalului la nivel european dar si mondial.

Din 1986 si pana in prezent roadele muncii formatiei Blind Guardian o reprezinta 9 albume de studio , 2 albume live si un DVD Imaginations Through the Looking Glass lansat in 2004. Formatia germana a participat de asemenea la numeroase si importante festivaluri pe continentul european si nu numai. Pe scena festivalului Wacken formatia germana a urcat de 5 ori, fiind confirmati si pentru editia din 2011. (acest aspect, spune multe)

Line-up :

Hansi Kursch - Vocals (1986-) (Bass 1986-1995)
Andre Olbrich - Lead Guitar (1986-)
Marcus Siepen - Rhythm Guitar (1987-)
Frederik Ehmke - Drums (2005-)

Ex-members :

Thomas "Thomen" Stauch
Markus Dork
Christof Theiben
Hans-Peter Frey

Discografia Blind Guardian:

Battalions of Fear (1988) Reviews - Sputnikmusic 4|5
1. "Majesty" – 7:28
2. "Guardian of the Blind" – 5:09
3. "Trial by the Archon" – 1:41
4. "Wizard''''''''s Crown" – 3:48
5. "Run for the Night" – 3:33
6. "The Martyr" – 6:14
7. "Battalions of Fear" – 6:06
8. "By the Gates of Moria" – 2:52

Primul album semnat Blind Guardian, un album puternic, un album speed metal clar influentat de primele albume Helloween.

Follow the Blind (1989) Reviews - Sputnikmusic 3,5|5
1. "Inquisition" – 0:40
2. "Banish from Sanctuary" – 5:27
3. "Damned for All Time" – 4:57
4. "Follow the Blind" – 7:10
5. "Hall of the King" – 4:16
6. "Fast to Madness" – 5:57
7. "Beyond the Ice" – 3:28
8. "Valhalla" – 4:56
9. "Barbara Ann" (The Regents and Beach Boys cover) – 1:43

Al doilea material semnat de formatia Germana, influentat de formatiile thrash: Testament si Forbidden. Albumul mai heavy decat Battalions of Fear, este considerat power metal insa departe de sound-ul ce avea sa defineasca Blind Guardian in anii urmatori. Valhalla este una dintre cele mai cunoscute piese de pe album.

Tales from the Twilight World (1990) Reviews - Allmusic 4,5|5
1. "Traveler in Time" – 5:59
2. "Welcome to Dying" – 4:47
3. "Weird Dreams" – 1:19
4. "Lord of the Rings" – 3:14
5. "Goodbye My Friend" – 5:33
6. "Lost in the Twilight Hall" – 5:58
7. "Tommyknockers" – 5:09
8. "Altair 4" – 2:26
9. "The Last Candle" – 5:59

Somewhere Far Beyond (1992) Reviews - Allmusic 3|5
2. "Journey Through the Dark" – 4:45
3. "Black Chamber" – 0:56
4. "Theatre of Pain" – 4:15
5. "The Quest for Tanelorn" – 5:53
6. "Ashes to Ashes" – 5:58
7. "The Bard's Song (In the Forest)" – 3:09
8. "The Bard's Song (The Hobbit)" – 3:52
9. "The Piper's Calling" – 0:58
10. "Somewhere Far Beyond" – 7:28

Primul album cu care Blind Guardian isi creaza un sound original, un stil propriu. Incepand cu acest album Blind Guardian devine o formatie apreciata , fapt ce ii permite sa treaca limitele scenei europene. In anul 1993 formatia lanseaza primul album live din cariera inutitulat Tokyo Tales , turneu realizat in urma succesului optinut cu Somewhere Far Beyond. Datorita copertii realizata de Andreas Marschall dar si a piesei The Bards' Song, (cu siguranta una dinte cele mai cunoscute piese Blind Guardian) formatia primeste nick-ul The Bards. Titulatura transpusa mai tarziu si fanilor.

Imaginations from the Other Side (1995) Review - Allmusic 4|5 ; Sputnikmusic 4,5|5
1. "Imaginations from the Other Side" – 7:18
2. "I'm Alive" – 5:29
3. "A Past and Future Secret" – 3:47
4. "The Script for My Requiem" – 6:08
5. "Mordred's Song" – 5:27
6. "Born in a Mourning Hall" – 5:12
7. "Bright Eyes" – 5:15
8. "Another Holy War" – 4:31
9. "And the Story Ends" – 5:59

UNUL DINTRE CELE MAI BUNE ALBUME BLIND GUARDIAN (considerat de multi chiar cel mai bun).
Ultimul album lansat in care Hansi Kursch are si rolul de basist.

Nightfall in Middle-Earth (1998) Reviews - Allmusic 4|5 ; Sputnikmusic 5|5
1. "War of Wrath" – 1:50
2. "Into the Storm" – 4:24
3. "Lammoth" – 0:28
4. "Nightfall" – 5:34
5. "The Minstrel" – 0:32
6. "The Curse of Fëanor" – 5:41
7. "Captured" – 0:26
8. "Blood Tears" – 5:23
9. "Mirror Mirror" – 5:07
10. "Face the Truth" – 0:24
11. "Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)" – 6:51
12. "Battle of Sudden Flame" – 0:44
13. "Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)" – 4:53
14. "The Dark Elf" – 0:23
15. "Thorn" – 6:18
16. "The Eldar" – 3:39
17. "Nom the Wise" – 0:33
18. "When Sorrow Sang" – 4:25
19. "Out on the Water" – 0:44
20. "The Steadfast" – 0:21
21. "A Dark Passage" – 6:01
22. "Final Chapter (Thus Ends...)" – 0:48

Primul album Blind Guardian pe care l-am ascultat, dupa parerea mea cel mai bun album al metalistilor germani. Mai bun chiar decat Imaginations from the Other Side. Un album concept , inspirat din The Silmarillion carte semnata de J.R.R. Tolkien (unul dintre autorii care a influentat cel mai mult muzica Blind Guardian, ca si pe alti multi artisti de altfel). Albumul prezinta un razboi petrecut in prima era a taramului Middle-earth, fiind introduse pe langa piese si pasaje narate din carte. Pentru prima oara Blind Guardian lanseaza un albumul si in Statele Unite. Un album melodic si agresiv in acelasi timp, care trebuie ascultat de orice metalist.

A Night at the Opera (2002) Reviews - Allmusic 2,5/5 ; Metal Temple 9|10
1. "Precious Jerusalem" – 6:22
2. "Battlefield" – 5:37
3. "Under the Ice" – 5:45
4. "Sadly Sings Destiny" – 6:05
5. "The Maiden and the Minstrel Knight" – 5:30
6. "Wait for an Answer" – 6:30
7. "The Soulforged" – 5:18
8. "Age of False Innocence" – 6:06
9. "Punishment Divine" – 5:46
10. "And Then There Was Silence" – 14:06

Site-ul de specialitate considera A Night at the Opera cel mai bun album din 2002.

A Twist in the Myth (2006)
1. "This Will Never End" – 5:07
2. "Otherland" – 5:16
3. "Turn the Page" – 4:19
4. "Fly" – 5:46
5. "Carry the Blessed Home" – 4:05
6. "Another Stranger Me" – 4:37
7. "Straight Through the Mirror" – 5:50
8. "Lionheart" – 4:17
9. "Skalds and Shadows" – 3:14
10. "The Edge" – 4:30
11. "The New Order" – 4:54
12. "All the King's Horses" – 4:12 (Japanese Bonus Track)
13. "Dead Sound of Misery" – 5:18 (Digipak Bonus Track)

Reviews - Allmusic 3,5|5 ; Sputnikmusic 4,5|5 ; Sea Of Tranquility 4,5|5 ; Lords Of Metal 9|10

At the Edge of Time (2010)
1. "Sacred Worlds" — 9:17
2. "Tanelorn (Into the Void)" — 5:58
3. "Road of No Release" — 6.30
4. "Ride into Obsession" — 4.46
5. "Curse My Name" — 5:52
6. "Valkyries" — 6:38
7. "Control the Divine" — 5:26
8. "War of the Thrones" — 4:55
9. "A Voice in the Dark" — 5:41
10. "Wheel of Time" — 8:55
11. "Curse My Name (Original)" (Japanese bonus track) — 5:13
12. "Valkyries (Extended)" (Japanese bonus track) — 6:51

Ultimul album semnat Blind Guardian care a debutat pe locuri fruntase in topurile germane dar si internationale. Formatia se afla in procesul de promovare al albumului la nivel mondial.

Romania este binecuvantata de prezenta acestui colos muzical al scenei power metal. Prezenta acestora fiind confirmata la un festival metal in Bucuresti (2011). Personal am ratat primul concert Blind Guardian in Romania la Arenele Romane insa cu sigurata nu ii mai ratez si in 2011.Trebuie vazuti neaparat , indiferent daca sunteti fani sau nu power metal. O formatie etalon , o formatie de elita pe care e necesar sa o vada macar o data orice metalist care se respecta. Daca exista persoane care nu au ascultat inca Blind Guardian IS A MUST. Nu stiu modul in care parcurgeti o formatie insa Blind Guardian merita atentie de la primul pana la ultimul album. Merita urmarita evolutia fantastica al acestui important grup german de la speed la power metal, astazi unul dintre numele de referinta in power metal.


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