Bloodbath: Noi suntem elita!

28 Mai 2008 Morrison

Bloodbath: Noi suntem elita!
Am discutat recent cu Anders Nystrom, membru al celebrei trupe suedeze Bloodbath, care a avut bunavointa de a ne elucida toate intrebarile legate de schimbarile de componenta. De asemenea, Andres a vorbit si despre viitorul album precum si de mult asteptatul DVD. Aflati mai multe din interviul de mai jos.

In primul rand salutare. Care sunt ultimele vesti din tabara Bloodbath? Tocmai ati lansat un nou EP si va pregatiti pentru lansarea unui mult asteptat DVD. Ne poti spune mai multe?

Da, EP-ul Unblessing the Purity se afla pe piata de cateva luni si a primit un feedback neasteptat de bun. Este primul nostru material discografic dupa o pauza de 3 ani si cred ca este cea mai buna metoda de a prezenta noua imagine a trupei.

De asemenea lucram la al 3-lea album de studio pe care il vom lansa undeva in luna Octombrie. DVD-ul va fi lansat in aceeasi luna, la cateva zile distanta. Avem 2 concerte programate in aceasta vara asa ca vom fi destul de ocupati.

Toata lumea vorbeste de acest DVD. Pentru cei ce nu stiu, ne poti spune ce este atat de special la acest material video?

Este primul concert cu Mikael la voce. Show-ul a fost filmat, iar cererea pentru lansare a fost extraordinar de mare. Cand Peaceville a rezolvat toate problemele legale, ne-am decis ca este timpul sa il lansam pe piata. Da, are 3 ani vechime dar asta nu conteaza prea mult. Il face oarecum old school!

Unblessing the Purity este inregistrat alaturi de Mikael Akerfeldt la voce. Crezi ca aceasta schimbare de componenta va aduce si o schimbare de stil? Sa zicem ceva mai progresiv, asta daca ne uitam la ultimul material Opeth.

Nu chiar! Unblessing the Purity este o prezentare amanuntita a noului Bloodbath, insa nu reprezinta o schimbare radicala de stil.

Putem avea o surpriza si cu Swano?

Nu, decizia lui Swano de a parasi trupa in 2006 este una permanenta. Mai mult ca sigur nu se va intoarce.

Activitatea lui Mikael din cadrul Opeth va influenta agenda de concerte Bloodbath? Stiu ca un astfel de eveniment s-a intamplat si prima oara cand a parasit trupa.

Am vrut sa tinem usa deschisa pentru el. Vrem sa mergem si sa luam ceea ce meritam. E pacat sa nu facem asta din pricina unor probleme ce tin la urma urmei de administratie. Iti pot spune sigur ca agenda de festivaluri nu va suferi modificari. De fapt, deja am primit o oferta pentru un turneu Opeth vs. Bloodbath. Timpul va rezolva totul, macar acum suntem oarecum pe aceeasi lungime de unda.

Daca tot vorbim de schimbarile de componenta, vreau sa te intreb cum l-ati gasit pe Per Eriksson? Nu este un chitarist cunoscut pentru scena metal. Din cate stiu a cantat in Genocrush Ferox, o trupa destul de underground.

Per "Sodomizer" Eriksson a fost in echipa noastra tehnica multi ani. De fapt, a fost chiar si in echipa Katatonia. Stiam ca ii lipseste foarte mult prezenta pe scena, asa ca decizia noastra a fost destul de logica. I-am dat sansa de a canta pe scena si nu in spatele ei. Contributia lui Per pe acest album consta atat in interpretarea pieselor cat si in compozitia lor. De acum inainte, el se va ocupa de solistica.

Ai putea descrie in cateva cuvinte noul EP? Ce poti spune despre material in contextul in care muzica metal capata din ce in ce mai multe nuante moderne?

Pot spune ca imbinam atat sunetul modern cat si muzica old-school. Directia noastra muzicala vine pe cale naturala. Am avut un inceput destul de spontan pe care ulterior l-am cladit exact asa cum am vrut noi. In 2008, majoritatea trupelor au inceput sa mixeze muzica old-school cu sunetele moderne. Muzica Bloodbath ramane variata, insa se mentine in standardul death metal, asa cum il stim noi.

Am vazut ca ati inregistrat din nou in Fascination Street Studios.

Da este un studio foarte bun. Am mers acolo cu David Castillo care a devenit atat sunetistul nostru cat si al trupei Katatonia.

Am observat ca multi au impresia ca artwork-ul noului EP este destul de infricosator. Ce crezi?

Da, este o capodopera! Dusty Peterson va lucra cu siguranta la noul album.

Inca va considerati un supergrup?

Supergrup?! Noi suntem elita!

Cum ai descrie atmosfera generala din Bloodbath?

Stii, am un sentiment extraordinar cand il vad pe Mike atat de entuziasmat. Pana la urma, intotdeauna a fost vorba de distractie insa asta nu inseamna ca profesionalismul lipseste cu desavarsire. Muzical, suntem foarte seriosi in ceea ce priveste Bloodbath, insa intr-un mod foarte relaxat. Niciodata nu am primit ordine din partea nimanui, de altfel nici nu le-am fi respectat. Comparat cu alte trupe, Bloodbath este pura relaxare. O vacanta!

La ce ne putem astepta del la noul album? Death metal pur sau poate o supriza?

Tot ce pot sa va spun este ca asteptarea va merita pana la ultimul minut.

Ok, mersi pentru interviu. La final ai putea sa adresezi cateva cuvinte fanilor romani?


Fane vs. Anders 'Blakkheim' Nystrm


First of all hello and thank you for accepting the interview. So, what's the latest news in the Bloodbath camp? Just released a new EP and preparing the long awaited DVD. Tell us more about that.

Yeah the EP Unblessing the Purity' has been out since a couple of months and is getting great feedback. It's our first piece of music since 3 years and showcases our new line-up and musical direction for Bloodbath this year. We're also currently recording our third full-length album that is scheduled to be released in October and the Wacken Carnage' DVD is being released in a couple of days as we speak. We got 2 festivals lined up for the Summer as well, so it's all good and we're keeping busy.

Everybody is talking about this DVD. For those wo don't know, can you tell us why this live footage is so special?

It's our first and ever gig done and features Mike on vocals. The show was filmed and the demand for it to be released was so big, so once Peaceville aquired the rights and sorted out all the bullshit between the different labels we're on, this was a go. It's already 3 years old, but that doesn't matter much. It only makes it more oldschool!

Unblessing the Purity is recorded with Mikael Akerfeldt on vocals. Do you think that this line-up change will bring a change of style? Let's say more progressive, if you look at the new Opeth material?

Not really! Unblessing the Purity' perfectly displays how Bloodbath will sound this year.

Will Mikael's activity in his other band become a big problem in the touring sheldule? I think that happened the first time he left the band.

We just want to keep the door open for it. We wanna be able to go out and grab what's just sitting and waiting there for us. Anything else would be a shame considering what we established so far, so at least we're able to play one off's now, especially festivals. A tour might be possible too if it doesn't interfere with our main bands schedules. We even got offers to combine our forces into the same tour, so who knows. Time will tell, but at least we're all on the same page now.

If we're tallking about the line-up changes, i want to ask you how did you find Per Eriksson? I mean, he's not a known guitarist in the metal scene. If i'm correct he played in Genocrush Ferox.

Per 'Sodomizer' Eriksson has been our guitar tech for years now with both Katatonia and Bloodbath and he used to play in a couple of death metal bands himself. We knew he missed it and was still hungry and his competence was high, so the decision to bring him in was logical. We gave him the chance to be on the stage and not behind it. Per's contribution is all over the EP both in songwriting and guitar playing. He's a good shredder so there'll be more solos in the songs from now on.

Could you describe in a few words this new EP? What can you say about it in a world where metal keeps evolving to more and more modern sounds?

We mix the best of both worlds. Our musical direction comes natural. We started very spontaneusly and focused on tributing, but after we'd done that it was time to contributing ourselves. These days traditional old school values are mixed with modern brutality. It's all blended up for the sign of the times. We like to keep a good deal of variety but within strict borders of death metal, as we know it.

I see you chosed to record one again in Fascinacion Street Studios...

Yes, it's a really good studio and a comfortable place. We went in with David Castillo this time who's also moonlighting with Katatonia and Bloodbath as a live engineer.
I saw someone who said that the cover for this EP is really scarry. Do you agree?:)

Yeah it's a great piece of artwork! Dusty Peterson will also be making the artwork for the new album.

Do you still consider yourself a supergroup? (And please don't tell me that Bloodbath was never a supergroup:) )

Supergroup?! We're the fucking elite!

How would you describe the general atmosphere in Bloodbath? How often do you see each other?

You know, it's a great feeling to see Mike being excited about doing pure death metal with Bloodbath again. After all, it's all about having fun together but keeping it elite and challenging at the same time. Musically, we're very serious about Bloodbath, but in a very relaxed way. There's no business controlling the band and no commands or directions from the outside to what, where and when... It's actually like a vacation compared to our main bands.

What should we expect from the upcoming album? Is it jus pure death metal or do we have some surprises coming up?

It'll be worth the wait and every penny.

Ok, thank you very much for the interview and in the end if you would like to say a few words to the Romanian fans.


Fane vs. Anders 'Blakkheim' Nystrm

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