Studiu: Death Metalul aduce fericire

de Cristi Nedelcu

Studiu: Death Metalul aduce fericire

Un nou studiu condus de Macquarie University din Australia a ajuns la concluzia ca Death Metalul te face fericit si ca cei care asculta acest gen de muzica sunt persoane de treaba.

Studiu face parte dintr-o investigatie inceputa cu ani in urma in care se urmaresc emotiile pe care le genereaza muzica. Acestea sunt cu adevarat complexe:

"Many people enjoy sad music, and that's a bit of a paradox - why would we want to make ourselves sad? The same can be said of music with aggressive or violent themes. For us, it's a psychological paradox - so, as scientists, we're curious, and at the same time we recognise that violence in the media is a socially significant issue."

La studiu au luat parte 80 de subiecti dintre care 32 erau fani ai Death Metalului. Acestia au ascultat 2 piese, 'Eaten' de la Bloodbath si 'Happy' de la Pharell. In acelasi timp li se proiectau doua imaginii, una pentru fiecare ochi. Intr-o imagine era o scena violenta iar in cealalta era o scena neutra.

In mod normal, creierul se axeaza pe imaginea violenta pentru ca reprezinta o amenintare, in cazul in care subiectii erau familiarizati cu violenta creierul nu ar fi trebuit sa aiba aceasta reactie.

"If fans of violent music were desensitised to violence, which is what a lot of parent groups, religious groups and censorship boards are worried about, then they wouldn't show this same bias. But the fans showed the very same bias towards processing these violent images as those who were not fans of this music."

Intrebati de ce este important acest experiemnt, cercetatorii au declarat ca au dorit sa asigure printr-un experiment stiintific ca fanii unui gen de muzica cum este Death Metalul nu sunt mai predispusi spre acte de violenta.

"If you're desensitised to violence, perhaps you wouldn't care if you saw someone on the street getting hurt - you wouldn't help... The dominant emotional response to this music is joy and empowerment, and I think that to listen to this music and to transform it into an empowering, beautiful experience - that's an amazing thing."

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