Body Count a castigat premiul Grammy la categoria Best Metal Performance cu melodia 'Bum-Rush'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Body Count a castigat premiul Grammy la categoria Best Metal Performance cu melodia 'Bum-Rush'

Gala a avut loc la Los Angeles Convention Center si a fost prezentata de Trevor Noah.

'Bum-Rush' a castigat premiul in detrimentul trupelor Code Orange cu melodia 'Underneath', In This Moment cu 'The In-Between', Poppy cu melodia 'Bloodmoney' si Power Trip cu 'Executioner Tax (Swing of the Axe) - Live'

Solistul trupei Body Count, Ice-T a declarat uramtaorele:

"That one is a very Public Enemy-inspired record. And the beats give me the vibe of The Prodigy. I love that, man. I’m all about vibes.

The song is kind of like No Lives Matter [from 2017’s Bloodlust]. Once we really understand that we mostly have all the same enemies, now we're powerful and you can't stop that power. So if we stop becoming distracted by what the media is trying to tell us then we unite as one and put everyone on the same side; then you can’t stop that bum rush."

'Bum-Rush' este preluata de pe albumul 'Carnivore' si poate fi ascultata mai jos.

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