Body Count: teaser nou pentru piesa 'No Lives Matter'

de Andreea Gherfi

Body Count: teaser nou pentru piesa 'No Lives Matter'

Americanii de la Body Count pregatesc lansarea unui videoclip pentru piesa "No Lives Matter", single extras de pe cel de-al saselea album de studio al trupei, "Bloodlust", ce urmeaza sa ajunga la fani incepand cu luna martie. Mai jos puteti vedea un teaser pentru acest clip.

"When I say 'Black Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter', that's like if I was to say 'Gay Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter', if I said 'Women's Lives Matter' and you say 'All Lives Matter'. You're diluting what I'm saying, you're diluting the issue. "The issue isn't about everybody, it's about black lives at the moment. But the truth of the matter is they don't really give a f**k about anybody if you break the s—t down to the low f*****g dirty a*s truth.", marturiseste in clip Ice-T, liderul trupei Body Count

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