David Bryan a fost testat pozitiv

de Cristi Nedelcu

David Bryan a fost testat pozitiv

David Bryan, claparul trupei Bon Jovi se afla in carantina din cauza noului coronavirus.

Artistul a dezvaluit pe Instagram ca a fost recent diagnosticat cu virusul.

“I just got my results back today and tested positive for coronavirus. I’ve been sick for a week and feeling better each day. Please don’t be afraid! It’s the flu not the plague. I’ve have been quarantined for a week and will for another week. And when I feel better I’ll get tested again to make sure I’m free of this nasty virus. Please help out each other. This will be over soon.”

Bon Jovi vor lansa viitorul album "Bon Jovi 2020", pe 15 mai.

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