Bring Me the Horizon a dezvaluit integral noua lor melodie sTraNgeRs" din viitorul EP din seria lor Post Human

de Cristi Nedelcu

Bring Me the Horizon a dezvaluit integral noua lor melodie sTraNgeRs

Bring Me the Horizon a dezvaluit integral noua lor melodie „sTraNgeRs” din viitorul EP din seria lor Post Human. In timp ce cantecul ajunge acum online pentru un public larg, fanii de la Malta Weekender au gustat deja din piesa la inceputul acestui an, cand solistul Oli Sykes a cantat o parte din cantec si a invitat publicul sa i se alature intr-o cantare a refrenului.

Acesta a comentat ca melodia era despre „familie”, adaugand mai tarziu: „Right now, we're all a room full of strangers. We don't know each other and it don't f*****g matter cause we're all here for the same f*****g reason, right?" Apoi Oli a indrumat publicul sa repete cu el refrenul cu tente emo "We're just a room full of strangers / Looking for something to save us / Alone together”.

Oli a mai declarat: ”The song came out of a long writing trip in LA, and as soon as the lyric ‘we’re just a room full of strangers’ came it took on such a deeper double meaning - how it would feel to be performing it live as that’s what it is.. all strangers connecting on this mad level.. and that it was like rehab.. Coming out of lockdown and the pandemic, everyone is recovering from something and I’m so aware that so many people struggle daily with differing traumas, and just wanted to stress that they’re not in this alone… and we’re a community here to help each other”.

Acum cu o versiune de studio complet realizata, melodia vine si cu un videoclip destul de infiorator. Clipul a fost inspirat de trupa care a ajuns si a discutat cu membrii comunitatii lor pentru a-si impartasi calatoriile personale legate de sanatatea mintala, iar povestile acestora sunt incadrate in naratiunea clipului.

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