Bring Me The Horizon au lansat o piesa noua

de Andreea Gherfi

Bring Me The Horizon au lansat o piesa noua

Celebra formatie britanica Bring Me the Horizon a lansat un nou videoclip, de aceasta data pentru single-ul "Oh No". Oli Sykes, solistul formatiei, a marturisit intr-un interviu acordat revistei Rolling Stone ca noul album va avea cu singuranta o directie muzicala mult mai intunecata decat cele ce l-au precedat, mai exact "a darker, dance-y kind of sound"

"That's my favorite part — it's something we do that comes across really well live you know when the song to us has a breakdown or like a heavy dance kind of vibe to it. You know, there's not many acts like that. If there was some bridge between what we're doing, somewhere between artists like PRODIGY or Massive Attack and stuff like that.", a marturisit Oli

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