Un fan a murit in timpul concertului Bring Me The Horizon din Londra

de Cristi Nedelcu

Un fan a murit in timpul concertului Bring Me The Horizon din Londra

In timpul concertului pe care formatia 'Bring Me The Horizon' l-a sustinut la Londra vineri seara, a avut loc un eveniment tragic.

Un fan al formatiei a murit din cauza unor probleme medicale, dupa cum au declarat reprezentantii locatiei. Initial s-a speculat ca ar fi fost vorba de o problema generata de lipsa agentilor de securitate insa acest lucru a fost scos din discutie, la locatie fiind prezenti in jur de 150 de agenti de securitate.

Nu se stie inca ce a cauzat decesul, singura declaratie de pana acum fiind facuta de reprezentantii locatiei pentru The Independent:

"Following the statement made last night, we would like to clarify that this was a tragic medical incident and unrelated to the extensive security measures in place at all of or our events. However, we feel we must address the inaccurate information quoted on social media. There were over 150 security personnel on site for the concert."

Formatia a spus la randul ei: "Words cannot express how horrified we are feeling this evening after hearing about the death of a young man at our show last night. Our hearts and deepest condolences go out to his family and loved ones at this terrible time. We will comment further in due course."

Griffin Dickinson, fiul lui Bruce Dickinson si solistul formatiei Shvapes, care a fost prezent la concert a declarat: "Last night at a BMTH show I saw a kid die. He was carried out by 3 dudes & paramedics tried to resuscitate him to no avail. Please please please look out for people around you."

Please please please look out for people around you. Don't leave it up for someone else. If someone looks unwell, CHECK on them. In any situation, on a tube, at a gig, whatever. I feel like British 'awkwardness' gets in the way of helping people. Don't be afraid to call an ambulance. Don't act like it ain't your business. ACT on it. Rest in peace to that dude. Thoughts are with his family."

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