BRUCE DICKINSON a discutat despre tracklist-ul pentru turneul sau solo

de Cristi Nedelcu

BRUCE DICKINSON a discutat despre tracklist-ul pentru turneul sau solo

Intr-un nou interviu cu Paul Cashmere de la, solistul Iron Maiden, BRUCE DICKINSON, a vorbit despre turneul pe care il va sustine pentru promovarea noului sau album solo, „The Mandrake Project”.

Trupa lui Bruce din turneu ii va include pe Roy "Z" Ramirez, bateristul Dave Moreno, bassista Tanya O'Callaghan si claviaturistul Mistheria. Intrebat daca planuieste sa cante in intregime toate piesele sale in turneu, Bruce a spus: "No. I mean, it's been God knows how many years since I actually went out on the road. I mean, it's [19] years since [my last solo album, 2005's] 'Tyranny Of Souls', Yeah, it's a long time. So, given that, and given the fact that you've got seven albums to pick from now in terms of the setlist, I think it would be cruel and unusual punishment to have people listen to a brand new album start to finish."

Acesta a continuat: "We're gonna do 'Tears Of The Dragon' [from 1994's 'Balls To Picasso' album], we're gonna do 'Chemical Wedding' [off 1998's 'The Chemical Wedding'], we're gonna do 'Accident Of Birth' [off 1997's 'Accident Of Birth'], and all this, this stuff. I'm gonna limit it, probably, to the things I did with Roy, because that's stuff that we share, with Roy and Dave Moreno, the drummer, and Mistheria did keyboards on all my records. So, you've gotta have a little limit that goes some way. 'Okay, where's our starting point?' And effectively, it's gonna be from 'Balls To Picasso' forward. I'm probably not gonna put any 'Skunkworks' [1996] stuff — not because I hate it, but just because we've got so many other great songs. I'm sure this won't be the last tour that we do together, so we've got we got plenty of opportunity to go and do stuff. There'll probably be three or four off the new record, for sure."

Bruce a adaugat: "Roy wasn't on 'Skunkworks'. That was a completely different band, and a completely different feel to everything. But there's some cracking songs on there. And, obviously, Janick [Gers, MAIDEN guitarist] was on 'Tattooed Millionaire'. But, again, I'm not gonna do anything off 'Tattooed Millionaire' — not this tour. I mean, we might dig stuff up for future tours and things like that, but for now I wanna concentrate on the heavy stuff. And I think people will wanna hear stuff off 'The Chemical Wedding' because that was my little bit of a groundbreaking record in the '90s."

„The Mandrake Project” va fi lansat pe 1 martie prin BMG. Bruce si Roy au inregistrat LP-ul in mare parte la Doom Room din Los Angeles, cu Roy Z atat ca si chitarist, cat si ca bassist. Inregistrarile pentru „The Mandrake Project” au fost completatae de Mistheria si Moreno, ambii artisti aparand si pe „Tyranny Of Souls”.

Luna trecuta, Bruce a declarat pentru Omelete din Brazilia despre conceptul liric pentru „The Mandrake Project”: "So 'The Mandrake Project' is, one, is an album. It's the name of the album. The comic is a 12-episode graphic novel, kind of adult. There's lots of stuff in it — there's lots of sex and drugs and violence and all kinds of stuff. But it's basically a story about a guy who is looking for his identity, Dr. Necropolis. He's an orphan, he's a genius, and he hates it, and he hates life, but he's involved in The Mandrake Project. And The Mandrake Project aims to take the human soul at the point of death, capture it, store it and put it back in something else. And the guy that's running the project, Professor Lazarus, he has one vision of what's gonna happen with this technology, and Necropolis has other ideas. And on we go with the story."

Intrebat cum i-a venit ideea de a amesteca muzica cu benzile desenate, Bruce a spus: "Well, I think they do kind of go together. They really do. Music and games, music and comics, comics and games, they're all related."

Acesta a completat: "Years ago, IRON MAIDEN, we were doing some cover art, and I said, 'Why don't we do a comic?', like the comics that I used to read when I was a kid… When I suggested doing some covers, comic covers, we did some single artwork for IRON MAIDEN, and I thought, 'You know what? This is kind of cool.' Then later, MAIDEN had a video game called 'Legacy Of The Beast'; we still do. But what came with a video game, somebody produced a series of comics. And I thought they looked fantastic, but they lacked a story. And that got me thinking, what if you had an album that had a story that could be turned into a comic and the two things would work together? As it happened, they've actually grown apart. So, the [original] album, in 2014, was gonna be one comic with the album — that's it. Then, COVID happened, other things happened, seven years went by, and I had a 12-episode graphic novel. And I went, 'I don't wanna restrict the album to being like a script for this.' These two things exist separately, but they inform each other. So you can look at the album and go, 'Oh, yeah, that's kind of related to the comic.' And you look at the comic and go, 'Oh, I see that might be a little bit related to the album,' but they're not dependent on each other. So you can buy the comic or you can buy the album — or both."

Pe 30 noiembrie 2023, Dickinson a lansat videoclipul plin de actiune pentru „Afterglow Of Ragnarok”, primul single extras de pe albumul „The Mandrake Project”. In fata publicului de la CCXP23, uriasul eveniment Comic-Con din Brazilia din Sao Paulo, solistul IRON MAIDEN a prezentat in premiera mai multe detalii despre album si viitoarea serie de benzi desenate realizate in parteneriat cu Z2, discutand inclusiv despre lansarea a 2.000 de versiuni exclusive ale benzii desenate CCXP spre bucuria comunitatii internationale de benzi desenate.

"The Mandrake Project" track listing:

01. Afterglow Of Ragnarok (05:45)
02. Many Doors To Hell (04:48)
03. Rain On The Graves (05:05)
04. Resurrection Men (06:24)
05. Fingers In The Wounds (03:39)
06. Eternity Has Failed (06:59)
07. Mistress Of Mercy (05:08)
08. Face In The Mirror (04:08)
09. Shadow Of The Gods (07:02)
10. Sonata (Immortal Beloved) (09:51)

Nu uitati ca anul acesta il puteti vedea live pe Bruce la Arenele Romane, Bucuresti pe 3 iunie. Biletele pentru concert se gasesc in retaua si online aici.

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