Satyr, Frost si Necrobutcher nu sunt de acord cu ecranizarea cartii 'Lords Of Chaos'

de Andreea Gherfi

Satyr, Frost si Necrobutcher nu sunt de acord cu ecranizarea cartii 'Lords Of Chaos'

Vice Films , Insurgent Media , Chimney Pot si 20th Century Fox vor sa puna mana de la mana si sa finanteze ecranizarea cartii "Lords of Chaos", o veste pe care Satyr, Frost si Necrobutcher nu au primit-o cu prea mult entuziasm. Filmarile vor incepe in aceasta toamna, iar regia este semnata de catre Jonas Akerlund, cunoscut si ca fost membru al formatiei Bathory.

"Now that the attention for the black metal has finally moved on the musical side, that's the journalistic gossip in the form of a bad book was made into a movie. Approximate a book, written by someone who does not understand the black metal, it has become a reference ", a marturisit Frost (Satyricon)

"That book 'Lords of Chaos' is crap and the fact that some stupid Swedish laps a movie on it is not OK. I will do everything to stop this film. Say the Swedes and the people in Hollywood to go f**k themselves.", a declarat Necrobutcher (Mayhem)

Nici Varg Vikernes nu este de acord cu productia acestui film.

"The first question that came into my mind when I heard about the plans for a Lords of Chaos movie was "why"? Why on earth would anyone want to make a film based on that worthless book? How is it even possible when the book is made up of nothing but a number of inaccurate interviews, supplemented by unfounded claims and meaningless and utterly ignorant theories by the writers?" a marturisit Varg pe site-ul sau. (Burzum)

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