Band of the day: Ulcerate

de Vasile Tractor

Band of the day: Ulcerate

Ulcerate - Technical death metal - New Zealand - Nota 10/10 (just awesome)


Cati dintre voi stiu sa localizeze pe harta Noua Zeelanda? Ulcerate este o trupa din Auckland, Noua Zeelanda fondata in anul 2000 care a reusit sa se remarce pe plan international. Initial formatia a avut numele de Bloodwreath, insa dupa ce au lansat primul demo in 2003 si-au schimbat numele in Ulcerate.

Lansat in 2007 Of Fracture and Failure este primul album de studio semnat Ulcerate. Albumul a fost lansat via Neurotic Records si a atras imediat atentia criticilor si a fanilor de death metal. Primit cu entuziasm Fracture and Failure a devenit un succes international, astfel tanara formatie au reusit sa cante alaturi de formatii consacrate precum Suffocation, Nile, Decapitated, Behemoth , Chepalic Carnage, etc.

Dupa o reorganizare si cu o noua formula, Ulcerate incep inregistrarile pentru al doilea album full lenght in 2008. Everything is Fire a fost lansat in 2009 si prezinta o formatie mai matura, o formatie care a evoluat muzical overall un album mai bun decat primul release. Everything is fire este un album important, il introduce in lista "100 Most Essential Albums of the Decade".

In aprilie 2010 formatia din Noua Zeelanda a anuntat aparitia unui nou album in 2011. Albumul se numeste The Destroyers of All, va fi lansat via Willotip Record pe 25 ianurie si va contine doar 7 piese. Ambitios, progresiv , atmosferic asa poate fi descris in mare noul release Ulcerate.

Line-up Ulcerate:
Paul Kelland - Bass, Vocals
Michael Hoggard - Guitar
Jamie Saint Merat - Drums, Percussion
William Cleverdon - Live Guitar

Discografia Ulcerate:


Of Fracture and Failure - 2007

1. Praise and Negation
2. Ad Nauseam
3. The Mask of the Satyr
4. Becoming the Lycanthrope
5. To Fell Goliath
6. Martyr of the Soil
7. Failure
8. The Coming of Genocide
9. Defaeco

Terrorizer 7/10


Everything Is Fire - 2009
1. Drown Within
2. We Are Nil
3. Withered and Obsolete
4. Caecus
5. Tyranny
6. The Earth at its Knees
7. Soulessness Embraced
8. Everything is Fire

Allmusic 4/5 6/6


The Destroyers of All - 2011
1. Burning Skies
2. Dead Oceans
3. Cold Becoming
4. Beneath
5. The Hollow Idols
6. Omens
7. The Destroyers of All

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