Concert Tiamat pe 28 noiembrie

Concert Tiamat pe 28 noiembrie

28 Noiembrie 2020
Bucuresti - Quantic
Pret: 100-130

 Noua data a concertului TIAMAT de la Bucuresti este 28 noiembrie 2020!


Ca urmare a situatiei create de epidemia de coronavirus, show-ul pe care legendara trupa suedeza Tiamat urma sa il sustina la Bucuresti in aprilie se muta in toamna, pe 28 noiembrie, si va avea loc tot in clubul Quantic.

Inca de cand a izbucnit aceasta criza am fost in contact permanent cu autoritatile si cu TIAMAT, cautand sa organizam concertul in conditii de siguranta pentru spectatori si echipele implicate.

Decizia de a amana concertul a fost luata de comun acord cu managementul trupei, iar anuntarea ei a fost intarziata de faptul ca am vrut sa batem in cuie si o data la care concertul este reprogramat.

Astazi suntem in masura sa anuntam ca mult asteptatul show TIAMAT va avea loc tot in clubul Quantic in seara de sambata, 28 noiembrie 2020.

Biletele deja achizitionate raman valabile pentru concertul de la sfarsitul toamnei.

Avand in vedere interesul foarte ridicat pentru acest concert si faptul ca show-ul este sold-out, biletele returnate vor fi repuse in vanzare la o data si la un pret pe care le vom stabili ulterior.

Deocamdata #StamAcasa pana trece epidemia, dar pe 28 noiembrie ne vedem sanatosi la concertul TIAMAT din Quantic!

TIAMAT - live in Quantic pe 4 aprilie 2020!

Legendara trupa suedeza TIAMAT va sustine un concert in Clubul Quantic din Bucuresti in ziua de sambata, 4 aprilie 2020. TIAMAT revine astfel in Romania la cererea publicului dupa show-ul exceptional sustinut la Festivalul Posada Rock in urma cu doar cateva luni.

Infiintata la sfarsitul anilor ’80 si cunoscand succesul international in 1994 cu albumul ”Wildhoney”, TIAMAT ocupa un loc important in istoria rockului european. Adepta a unui sound care a evoluat de la death metal la gothic atmosferic, trupa a inregistrat 10 albume de studio si, desi cel mai recent dateaza din 2012, reuseste sa atraga publicul la cele mai importante festivaluri de gen, unde ofera show-uri memorabile. Dovada in acest sens sta recitalul sustinut la Festivalul Posada Rock pe 31 august 2019, cand frontmanul Johan Edlund a coborat de pe scena in public si a cantat piesa ”Do You Dream of Me” alaturi de fani, spre incantarea miilor de spectatori prezenti.

Setlist-ul TIAMAT de pe 4 aprilie din Quantic se va concentra pe albumele ”Wildhoney” si ”Clouds”, dar va trece in revista toate hit-urile trupei de-a lungul carierei de 30 de ani.

Biletele se gasesc pe si au urmatoarele preturi:

EARLY BIRD – 100 de bilete la 100 de lei / bucata;

PRESALE – 300 de bilete la 130 de lei / bucata;

NORMAL – 400 de bilete la 150 de lei / bucata.


The new date of the TIAMAT concert in Bucharest is November 28th, 2020.

As a result of the situation created by the coronavirus epidemic, the show that the legendary Swedish band Tiamat was going to perform in Bucharest in April is rescheduled for the autumn, on November 28th, and will take place in the same Quantic club.

Ever since this crisis broke out we have been in constant contact with the authorities and with TIAMAT, seeking to organize the concert in a safe manner for the people in attendance and the teams involved.

The decision to postpone the concert was taken in agreement with the management of the band and its announcement was delayed by the fact that we wanted to give you the new date for the rescheduled concert.

Today we are able to announce that the long awaited TIAMAT show will take place in the same Quantic club on Saturday evening, November 28th, 2020.

The tickets already purchased remain valid for the concert at the end of autumn.

Given the very high interest for this concert and the fact that the show is sold out, the returned tickets will be put back on sale at a date and at a price that will be decided later.

For now #StayAtHome until the epidemic ends, but see you in good health and ready to rock on November 28th at the TIAMAT concert in Quantic!

TIAMAT - live in Quantic on April 4th, 2020!

The legendary Swedish band TIAMAT will perform live at the Quantic Club in Bucharest on Saturday, April 4th, 2020. TIAMAT returns to Romania at the public's request after an exceptional show held at Posada Rock Festival just a few months ago.

Established at the end of the 1980s and achieving international success in 1994 with the ”Wildhoney” album, TIAMAT has an important place in the history of European rock. With a sound that has evolved from death metal to atmospheric gothic, the band has recorded 10 studio albums and, although the most recent is dating from 2012, TIAMAT still has the power to attract audiences at the most important metal festivals, where they perform memorable shows. Such a moment was the concert at the Posada Rock Festival on August 31st 2019, when frontman Johan Edlund stepped down from the stage and walked into the crowd and sang the song "Do You Dream of Me" with fans, leaving the audience in awe.

The TIAMAT setlist on April 4th in Quantic will focus on the ”Wildhoney” and ”Clouds” albums, but will also contain the band's hits over the course of their 30-year career.

Tickets can be found on and have the following prices:

EARLY BIRD - 100 tickets at 100 RON / piece;

PRESALE - 300 tickets at 130 RON / piece;

NORMAL - 400 tickets at 150 RON / piece.

Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe si in magazinele Flanco, Carturesti, Metrou Unirii 1, Muzica, IQ BOX si pe terminalele Selfpay. Online, puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal,carduri de tichete culturale Sodexo, pe factura la Vodafone sau Orange sau ramburs prin Fan Courier oriunde in tara.

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