Ginger Baker, tobosarul Cream, nu este deloc fan al muzicii metal

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ginger Baker, tobosarul Cream, nu este deloc fan al muzicii metal

Formatia Cream a influentat sute si mii de formatii de-a lungul timpului, fiind considerata una dintre trupele precursoare heavy metalului.

In prezent, multi dintre artistii scenei metal declara ca au fost influentati foarte mult de membrii Cream.

Ginger Baker, tobosarul legendarei trupe a vorbit cu cei de la Forbes despre faptul ca este considerat unul dintre cei care a dat nastere heavy metalului.

In plus a discutat si despre Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame care, din punctul sau de vedere, este plin de artisti care nu au ce cauta acolo.

Mai jos aveti declaratiile originale ale artistului.

"I've seen where Cream is sort of held responsible for the birth of heavy metal. Well, I would definitely go for aborting. I loathe and detest heavy metal. I think it is an abortion. A lot of these guys come up and say, 'Man, you were my influence, the way you thrashed the drums.' They don't seem to understand I was thrashing in order to hear what I was playing. It was anger, not enjoyment — and painful. I suffered on stage because of that volume crap. I didn't like it then, and like it even less now...

That whole Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame thing — at least half the people in there don't have a place in any kind of hall of fame anywhere, in my opinion."

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