DARK TRANQUILITY incep inregistrarile pentru noul album

de Cristi Nedelcu

DARK TRANQUILITY incep inregistrarile pentru noul album

Trupa suedeza Dark Tranquillity a intrat in studiourile Fascination Street din Orebro, Suedia, pentru a incepe inregistrarea noului lor album.

Ieri DARK TRANQULLITY a distribuit pe retelele sociale ale trupei, un videoclip cu bateristul Joakim Strandberg Nilsson care a transmis urmatorul mesaj: "It has begun! This week officially marks the start of the recording process for the next D.T. album. Have a quick look at Joakim laying down the rhythm foundation at Fascination Street Studios. Stay tuned for more info!".

In august solistul DARK TRANQULLITY, Mikael Stanne, a declarat pentru JJ's One Girl Band ca inca nu a venit cu un posibil concept liric pentru urmatorul LP al trupei. El a spus: "We're working on the music right now, and I have some ideas. So far the lyrics I've written — it's not a theme. It deals with all the frustration, but I don't know if I can tie it all together or if it's gonna be very separate. Let's see. Normally that's something that kind of either I decide on that theme before the album and then the rest comes naturally. But so far I haven't really decided on one. But we still have some time, and it's gonna work out."

Acesta a continuat: "It's fun to be in this process where we are right now, where we have all the songs but they need to be kind of finalized and shaped into exactly what we want 'em to be and figure out the emotional kind of impact it needs to have and how it needs to feel for us and how we want it to feel when you're listening to it. So that's where we are right now. And part of that, for me, is to kind of find that right kind of way in, so to speak, lyrically, find a way to kind of enhance what the song makes me feel."

„Moment”, care a fost lansat in noiembrie 2020, a fost inregistrat la Nacksving Studios si Rogue Music de Martin Brandstrom si apoi mixat/masterizat de Jens Bogren la Fascination Street Studios.

In iulie chitaristul Christopher Amott si-a anuntat plecarea din DARK TRANQUILLITY. El a spus intr-o declaratie ca „there's no bad blood” intre el si ceilalti membri ai DARK TRANQUILITY si a explicat ca a venit timpul ca el sa se concentreze pe o alta directie muzicala.

Amott, in varsta de 45 de ani, care a fost membru fondator al ARCH ENEMY, alaturi de fratele sau Michael Amott, s-a alaturat oficial trupei DARK TRANQUILITY in 2020, dupa ce anterior a cantat cu trupa la cateva show-uri din 2017.

Cateva ore mai tarziu, DARK TRANQUILITY a emis urmatoarea declaratie cu privire la plecarea lui Amott: "We are sad to announce that Chris Amott is leaving the band to pursue his own musical path. It has been an honor and a pleasure to play with him and we are parting amicably. To fill in for him in the near future we will have the awesome shredder Joey Concepcion joining us for the rest of the summer. Our mission stays the same - to explore this melancholy that neighbours to rage. A path forged by all members of DARK TRANQUILLITY - past and present. There may be some new faces on stage but in our extended family, much is the same. Niklas Sundin is still setting our visual tonality and Martin Henriksson is still our manager. Our next task will be to record our 13th album this fall. We are super excited about the material and can't wait to bring it to you."

In urma cu doi ani, DARK TRANQUILITY s-a despartit atat de bateristul Anders Jivarp cat si de bassistul Anders Iwers.

Jivarp a fost membru original al trupei DARK TRANQUILLITY, cantand cu acestia pana acum doi ani. Iwers s-a alaturat formatiei DARK TRANQUILITY in 2016 si a cantat pe ultimele doua albume ale grupului, „Atoma” din 2016 si „Moment” din 2020.

Jivarp si Iwers au fost inlocuiti in turneele recente ale trupei DARK TRANQUILLITY de Strandberg Nilsson (IN MOURNING, WOLVES WITHIN) si Christian Jansson (GRAND CADAVER, PAGANDOM).

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