Darkthrone prezinta primele detalii despre viitorul album

de Cristi Nedelcu

Darkthrone prezinta primele detalii despre viitorul album

Darkthrone au anuntat acum ceva timp ca vor lansa un nou album, iar acum vin si cu unele detalii despre acesta.

Noul material se va numi Arctic Thunder, dupa numele unei formatii norvegiene 'mega-obscure', dupa cum au declarat cei de la Darkthrone. Mai jos aveti artwork-ul si anuntul facut de trupa pe facebook.

"Hi folks, it's time to talk a bit about our new album - and as I don't like to talk or write about music much I can say that it is more serious and primitive than usual. Vocals are only done by Ted as I thought this would create a more solemn/introvert atmosphere. The album is called ARCTIC THUNDER because it is my fave bandname (old mega-obscure Norwegian band from the 80s that I asked the permission from to use as an album title). Meanwhile here is the cover, it is from the personal camping archives from a trip some years ago to SPALSBERGET in Nordmarka. IT has the usual spruce-tree skyline and also a bonfire - there will be another limited colour version with orange logo and title, because that was MY favourite colour, but the usual release looks like this in silver - as this was Ted's favourite version."

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