Darkthrone vor lansa un nou album in Mai

de Cristi Nedelcu

Darkthrone vor lansa un nou album in Mai

Darkthrone, una dintre formatiile etalon ale scenei Black Metal, a anuntat ca pe data de 31 Mai vor lansa un nou album.

Acesta se va intitula 'Old Star' si va fi scos prin casa de discuri Peaceville.

Fenriz a declarat despre acest nou material:

"As many have focused on the '70s sound over the last 20 years, the mix on our new album has ended up being more '80s than ever. The songs are more metal than ever! Ted's songs have alot of black metal in them, faster and slower but also doomier parts and reocurring parts. My songs are more linear written. It's an ancient '80s underground trick, with breaks, all slow heavy or slow thrash, classic doom or slow death. All in all, it is our most '80s album so far and our most metal one to date with drum sound typical for the '80s USA/German market and damned lyrics, which are all written by me. We feel that 'Old Star' is the big brother of 'Arctic Thunder'. More solid and with even better riffs."

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