SpongeBob SquarePants devine musical, cu muzica compusa de artisti rock celebri

de Cristi Nedelcu

SpongeBob SquarePants devine musical, cu muzica compusa de artisti rock celebri

In curand, printre spectacolele de pe Broadway se va numara si varianta musical a desenului animat SpongeBob SquarePants.

Ceea ce atrage atentia este faptul ca muzica pentru acest nou show de pe Broadway va fi compusa de nume mari ale rockului. Printre artistii care vor lucra la acest muzical se numara David Bowie, Steven Tyler si Joe Perry de la Aerosmith, dar si membrii Flaming Lips. Panic at the Disco si Cyndi Lauper vor compune si ei muzica.

David Bowie nu este la primul contact cu SpongeBob, acesta 'imprumutandu-si' vocea in SpongeBob's Atlantis Square Pantis.

Iata ce a declarat Tina Landau, regizorul musicalului: "We’re taking our leads from the TV show but this is an original story, with an original design approach, and original songs written just for the occasion by an amazing array of songwriters... We will present the world of Bikini Bottom and its characters in a whole new way that can only be achieved in the live medium of the theatre. We’re bringing the show’s fabled characters to life through actors — not prosthetics or costumes that hide them — and we’re deploying some unconventional stage craft that will prove that anything can happen in Bikini Bottom."

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