Tobosarul Death Angel s-a reintors acasa dupa 2 saptamani de terapie intensiva

de Cristi Nedelcu

Tobosarul Death Angel s-a reintors acasa dupa 2 saptamani de terapie intensiva

Will Carroll s-a reintors acasa dupa ce a petrecut aproape 2 saptamani internat la terpaie intenisva intr-un spital din California.

Anuntul a fost facut de logodnica artistului, Leeshawn Navarro. Will a fost internat dupa ce a fost diagnosticat cu COVID-19.

Iata ce a declarat tobosarul: "Rumors of my death have greatly been exaggerated'. I thought I'd start this post with a Mark Twain quote. But in all seriousness I can't over express how everyone's outpouring of love, support and positive energy was so important to me. Without getting too spiritual or sappy I honestly think you saved my life.

When I was in a coma I was for 12 days your positive energy somehow got me through. I know I'm strong and resilient but not that strong.

During my coma the doctors told me they had to pump my lungs of all fluid which was the equivalent of 5 pounds of beer they thought I was a goner for sure."

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