Deep Purple au lansat un nou single, 'Oh Well'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Deep Purple au lansat un nou single, 'Oh Well'

Dupa single-ul '7 And 7 Is,trupa a lansat un nou single extras de pe viitorul album de studio, 'Turning To Crime'.

'Oh Well' a fost scrisa si iregistrata de Fleetwood Mac si a sosit alaturi de videoclip produs de Carl Mason si regizat de Dan Gibling.

Produs de Bob Ezrin, 'Turning To Crime' va fi lansat pe 26 noiembrie dupa precedentul material discografic, 'Whoosh!', fiind cel de-al 21-lea album de studio al trupei.

"Everyone knows "Oh Well" is a great song. Steve did the demo for that one. You never quite know where it‘s gonna go with Steve because he is very inventive. Right up until the point, with a couple of verses in, it was pretty much the same as the original. And then, all of a sudden, it took off like a rocket… in some other space.", a declarat Roger Glover.

Materialul poate fi vizionat mai jos.

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