Forma de cancer de care suferea chitaristul Def Leppard a recidivat

de Cristi Nedelcu

Forma de cancer de care suferea chitaristul Def Leppard a recidivat

Vivian Campbell a anuntat zilele trecute ca va incepe din nou un tratament impotriva cancerului ca urmare a faptului ca acesta a recidivat.

De asemenea a declarat ca sunt sanse minime sa ia parte la turneul pentru care ar fi trebuit sa sustina 48 de concerte cu Def Leppard.

Artistul s-a intors insa cu o veste foarte buna pentru fanii sai. Acesta a spus ca medicul sau a gasit o cale de a-l trata fara sa ii afecteze activitatea in trupa.

Iata ce a declarat artistul pe Facebook:

"So, so happy to report that I’ve dodged the bullet of radiation. I was due to start a course that would have sidelined me for most of the first leg of the US tour, but my brilliant doctors have steered me towards an alternative course of treatment that will enable me to rejoin the tour this Saturday night in Birmingham Alabama. Furthermore, they’ve tailored future treatments to accommodate the tour schedule so I won’t have to miss any more shows.

I’m so happy and so indebted to the wonderful physicians who have worked so hard on my behalf to make this happen.

See you Saturday!"

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