Urmariti noul videoclip Dethklok, Bloodlines!

de Buvnitz

Urmariti noul videoclip Dethklok, Bloodlines!

Noul videoclip al formatiei animate Dethklok, intitulat Bloodlines, poate fi urmarit mai jos:

Dethklock - Bloodlines (New Video 2009)

Piesa este extrasa de pe cel mai recent produs discografic, The Dethalbum II. Discul contine 12 piese:

1. Bloodlines
2. The Gears
3. Burn the Earth
4. Laser Canon Deth Sentence
5. Black Fire Upon Us
6. Deth Support
7. The Cyborg Slayers
8. I Tamper with the Evidence at the Murder Site of Odin
9. Murmaider II: The Water God
10. Comet Song
11. Symmetry
12. Volcano

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