Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was

de Morrison

Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was
M-am intrebat adesea cum isi ajunge o trupa la statul, atat de trainic in timp, din care sa scoata fara probleme albume aproape identice care sa fie considerate excelente. M-am intrebat adesea la ce bun acest statut si care sunt oamenii care ar tine cont de el. La fel, m-am intrebat si cum va fi albumul Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was pe 2006, la atatia ani de la realizari precum Massive Killing Capacity. Raspuns obiectiv: previzibil. Primei persoane care m-a intrebat ce parere am despre album, i-am raspuns ca e Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was.

Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was
Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was

A zis indignat ca asta stia si el. Avand deci in vedere parerile atat de impartite... ba nu, nu o sa am in vedere nici o parere. As vrea insa sa am in vedere niste argumente solide pentru care nu imi place decat o piesa de pe album. Dar problema este ca nici eu nu stiu ce ma plictiseste atat de tare la materialul asta. De ce mi-ar placea albume ca Incedent&Obscene si nu as inghiti si un "The God That Never Was"? Daca imi distrubui atentia asupra fiecarui element in parte, nu gasesc nici o neregula..nici la propriu nici la figurat.

Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was
Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was

Death-ul suedez pe care trupa nu l-a mai schimbat inca de la debut isi face simtita prezenta de la primul acord, riff-urile - la fel de "crocante" ca si in trecut, iar vocea este in totalitate neschimbata. Dar ca un intreg, albumul mai nu reuseste sa impresioneze cum m-as fi asteptat si toata furia, toata duritatea si agresivitatea se inmoaie intr-o plictiseala generala. In final, poate este vorba de feeling. In primul rand, nu mai suntem in anii '90, cand simpla idee a unui album atat de abrasiv era o minunatie.

Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was
Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was

Dar totusi, Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was este una dintre putinele trupe care care si-a pastrat stilul colturos si pe undeva primitiv de death suedez. Pana la urma, depinde de ascultator daca se lasa impresionat azi, in 2006, de aceleasi elemente ce ar fi compus un album cel putin bun in anii '90. Deci, daca a fi constant in felul in care o fac Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was este sau nu un lucru bun sau nu, ramane la atitudinea dumneavoastra.

Din playlist-ul prsonal, recunosc ca piesele au disparut una cate una, singura care a ramas fiind in final "Time Heals Nothing". Ceva mai ascultabil de gaseste poate in instrumentala "Phantoms (Of the Oath)" si in rest, din punctul meu de vedere, nimic interesant. Una peste alta, incercati 35 de minute de.. Cronica Cronica Cronica Dismember - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was - The God That Never Was; pregatiti-va sau nu, lasati-va surprinsi de intensitatea trupei sau nu, simtiti fiecare beat al lui Estby sau plictisiti-va, ramaneti cu gura cascata la solo-urile de chitara sau adormiti. Enjoy.


Nota: 8/10


1. The God That Never Was
2. Shadows of The Mutilated
3. Time Heals Nothing
4. Autopsy
5. Never Forget, Never Forgive
6. Trail of The Dead
7. Phantoms (Of The Oath)
8. Into The Temple of Humiliation
9. Blood for Paradise
10. Feel The Darkness
11. Where No Ghost is Ho

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