David Draiman de la Disturbed a compus 95% din piese 'fumat'

de Cristi Nedelcu

David Draiman de la Disturbed a compus 95% din piese 'fumat'

David Draiman, solistul Disturbed, a oferit un interviu celor de la Revolver in care a vorbit despre modul in care compune muzica.

Acesta a spus ca in cele mai multe dintre cazuri, atunci cand compune muzica este 'high'. Una dintre piesele de pe viitorul album Immortalized se numeste Fire It Up si este o oda adusa canabisului.

Mai jos aveti un extras din interrviul oferit de artist.

"You know what? Ninety-five percent of the songs I’ve written in my life, I’ve written them while high... That’s the God’s honest truth. I’ll have a very skeletal musical idea in my head, and then I’ll light one up, go in the shower and let the steam kind of build up... it helps me relax, and I can see the gaps...I can see the holes in the rhythm and the melody and I’ll know where I can go, and what the possibilities are. It helps me be able to perceive everything a little bit more clearly. So I figured, ‘What the hell, let’s write a song about it!’ And Danny (Donegan) had this riff that had a real funky bounce to it and that was so different. So it was, ‘Okay, let’s try this…’"

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