Disturbed lucreaza la muzica noua in carantina

de Cristi Nedelcu

Disturbed lucreaza la muzica noua in carantina

Vestea a venit dintr-un interviu acordat pentru Download Festival TV de catre solistul trupei David Draiman.

David a declarat ca trupa a inceput sa scrie piese noi pentru un nou album.

"We have a six-and-half-year old boy, so home schooling has been taking up most of the week… But that's most of the time. The rest of the time, I'm just messing around a little bit with music here and there — nothing crazy. [I've been] having conversations with the other guys in Disturbed about getting some new material going, and we've got some stuff in its infancy. One song, definitely, that's killer in our back pocket; we just haven't tracked it. And we've got a few more song ideas, [but] nothing that's been hashed out enough."

Cel mai recent material lansat este albumul "Evolution", fiind lansat in 2018.

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